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發表於 2018-10-7 16:15:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Officials of the newly launched Fly Jamaica (FJ) are baffled as to why Guyana is apparently dragging its feet on granting permission for the internationally certified airline to render its services here.  Airline authorities say that despite moves to integrate Guyana on the aircraft’s routes, local authorities are seemingly skeptical about giving the go ahead and have resorted to questioning the legitimacy of the airline.An official who requested anonymity told Kaieteur News that, “Fly Jamaica has already applied for entry into Canada and is receiving serious attention from Canadian Authorities. This is a lot more than they are receiving from Guyana.”Already,Jerseys From China, he noted, FJ has been certified by Jamaica and the United States.It was highlighted that the reason for Guyana’s addition, is to offer assistance to alleviate the aviation problem facing the country.In a letter, Guyanese born Lt. Col. (Capt.) Egbert Fields stated that, “(Guyana) it is one of the few destinations within the region where passengers are held hostage by its country’s Flag carrier.”“Why Guyana is dragging its feet and asking for information which the other countries have not asked for, I will direct to the principals of Fly Jamaica,” the source told this newspaper.Officials have informed that FJ is a scheduled carrier with an Air Operators Certificate from Jamaica where its operations are based.“This is an airline in the true sense of the word with operational control over all aspects of its activity. The personnel, who are all experienced aviators, reside within the structure of the organization and own their aircraft.”“This is unlike EZ Jet, which was a ticket office of non aviators and non professionals, chartering an aircraft from an American company – Swift Air. EZ Jet had no oversight by the Civil Aviation Authority because they were not a certified entity; Swift Air had the oversight by the US as it was the certified entity.”“Therefore when the Government wanted to give EZ Jet flag carrier status just before they collapsed, it was a big joke to the aviation professionals in the region. It is against the Standard and Recommended procedures of the International Civil Aviation Organisation to certify an entity which does not have an airline structure or owns an aircraft, for an Air Operators Certificate.”The official continued that, “In order to certify an airline with the type of aircraft flown by Fly Jamaica, for an Operators certificate, a team of inspectors can spend between one to two years or more.”The Fly Jamaica official said that Guyana has a viable option. “It is a pity that they allow personal bias to dictate how they make decisions rather than the professional approach based on sound technical advice and knowledge.”Egbert Fields, who is the Manager of Flight Operations Oversight, Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority in his letter last Wednesday, expressed delight in the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce pronouncement that,” a few proactive moves in the local airline industry” would be made in dealing with the situation of airlift into and out of the country.In his letter, Field emphasized to the Tourism Minister that “as the saying goes, charity begins at home, but I would say business begins at home. Hon. Minster, I believe that the Government and People of Guyana have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their appreciation towards a son of Guyana’s soil by you extending an invitation to this first Jamaica/Guyana aviation venture – Fly Jamaica.”He explained that FJ completed a full certification which was issued with an Air Operators Certificate and associated Operations Specifications by the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority (JCAA).Field further highlighted that FJ’s was also issued their Operations Specifications by the Federal Aviation Administration (US) and License approval by the Department of Transport (US).The airline operates a 200 passenger Boeing 757 (same type of aircraft operated by Guyana Airways and GA2000), which it owns. It commenced scheduled operations into New York on February 14, 2013.FJ is said to be heavily supported by the Jamaican Government and people, while the CEO is Guyanese aviation entrepreneur Captain Ronald Reece, who is the owner of Air Guyana (Wings Aviation), which is attached to the thriving Domestic Air operation located on the Ogle International Aerodrome.

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