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…Six homes receive benevolence from-Luminous GroupUnder the theme ‘Sustainability and Age Inclusiveness in the Urban Environment,” the annual International Day of Older Persons was observed in Guyana as in other countries around the world, yesterday.Through acts of benevolence,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet, First Lady Sandra Granger and her Luminous Women’s Group partnered with DeSinco Trading Limited donated powdered milk to six senior citizen homes in and around Georgetown.Those homes which benefited from the donations were the Uncle Eddie’s Home,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, Archer’s Home, St. Joseph’s Home, St. Vincent De Paul’s Elderly Home, the Palms Geriatric Institution, Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre and the Dharm Shala.Upon handing over the milk, First Lady Sandra Granger told the residents that their contributions to Guyana are noteworthy and as such they should be celebrated. She noted that it is now the responsibility of the government and its respective agencies to ensure that their needs are taken care of.“You are all special people and I am happy to be here with you today. Service is a great thing. We want you to continue to live your life in peace and safety, with a measure of comfort. Senior citizens must be kept active and engaged, and the government,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, its Ministries and organizations,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, must do all that is possible to keep our senior citizens active and engaged,” the First Lady told the residents of Uncle Eddie’s Home.Mrs Granger said that the milk was offered some time ago by DeSinco Trading Limited. It was felt that senior citizens would benefit most from such a donation. The initiative then took shape, in time for International Day for Senior Citizens. She noted that the Luminous Group,Wholesale Jerseys, which consists of veteran educator Ingrid Fung, Hazel Moses Walrond, Gloria Croft, Rafiya McWilfred, Gem Williams, Margaret Lawrence,China Jerseys Cheap, Minister Amna Ally,Camiseta Fc Barcelona 2018, Abena Fung and Sulan Fung, will continue to look at ways in which senior citizens can best be supported.The administrators of the homes thanked the First Lady, the Management of DeSinco Trading Limited and the Luminous Group for the donation. They noted that it will go a long way for the homes and particularly the residents, since the product is one of the most significant in their diets.

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