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發表於 2018-10-9 08:13:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In another twist of events, the police have now detained the wife of businessman Euclid Da Silva, who was handed over to Brazilian authorities earlier this week.Da Silva’s wife, Rozanna Melville,Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, through her lawyer, Nigel Hughes,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, had moved to the High Court to prevent his expulsion from Guyana on the grounds that he is a legitimate citizen of Guyana.However, despite an order by Chief Justice Ian Chang to block his expulsion, the local law enforcement authorities released him last Tuesday into the custody of Brazilian Federal Officers. Attorney at law Hughes yesterday told this publication that Rozana Melville was arrested after she refused to sign a police statement. The lawyer explained that the police took the woman yesterday morning to the registrar to verify whether her husband’s documents were authentic.According to the lawyer, once at the registrar, the police produced a statement for the woman to sign. However, the woman quickly contacted Hughes, who instructed his client not to sign anything.“They wanted her to sign a statement claiming that her husband’s documents were a forgery,” said the lawyer.He further opined that it was not his client’s position to sign any document claiming that the documents were a forgery, since it was the registrar’s duty to do so.Furthermore, he noted, the woman’s refusal to sign the statement prompted the police to search her home and her husband’s business premises which is located on Hadfield Street. The lawyer also told this publication that he has filed a writ of habeas corpus in the High Court for the woman’s release. Hughes also reiterated that he will also be seeking a motion of contempt against the Commissioner of Police.Da Silva was first arrested on Friday last but was released on $100,000 bail by the local police who told him that they were investigating his status in Guyana.His wife had stated that at no time did the local police indicate that they were planning to return him to neighbouring Brazil.She said that this is despite Da Silva, who also goes by the name of Euclid Saigo, insisting that he was Guyanese by birth.“My husband is a Guyanese. He born at Annai and his mother is Maria Joseph. His father is Milton Saigo, Guyanese,Cheap NFL Jerseys, all from the Rupununi.She related that she met Da Silva around 1990 in Brazil, where she was residing after fleeing the Rupununi in the wake of the 1969 uprising.Melville explained that Da Silva managed to obtain Brazilian papers through his mother who was married to a Brazilian. “He never take out a Brazilian passport, he only take out an ID.” She said that they cohabitated in Boa Vista where their first two children were born. Their third child was born in Guyana. Several years ago,Wholesale Jerseys, Da Silva was accused of transporting cash for the head of a Brazilian drug cartel and was imprisoned.Melville said that after returning to Guyana, Da Silva secured his Guyana birth certificate and subsequently a passport. However, the local authorities contended that Da Silva’s documents were false.Within an hour of his handing over to the Federals, the Brazilian media reported that Da Silva, who they described a fugitive from justice, was captured in Guyana and returned to Brazil.Da Silva has reportedly been transferred to a maximum security prison on the Brazilian border with Colombia.***************************CI receives funding from British High Commission CI Executive Director Dr. David Singh accepts the signed document from Acting High Commissioner Simon Bond, which represents the funds donated to CI. An environmental project has been launched between Conservation International (CI) and the British High Commission,Jerseys From China, the two of which will collaborate with the Ministry of Education to benefit Secondary School students.This was revealed at a press conference at CI headquarters in Laluni Street Queenstown yesterday.The British High Commission, donated US$20,000 towards the project, and Conservation International is supplying the difference in the sum that is needed to facilitate the project.According to Executive Director of Conservation International (Guyana) Dr. David Singh, the British Government has joined a range of partners that CI has globally, and through the Government of Guyana, CI will be able to complete its overall mission and vision.Singh said the funds donated by the British High Commission will assist CI in continuing its partnership with the Government and people of Guyana.Adding that the British Government has been the leader in the fight to promote issues of Climate Change, Singh said that the funding is an extension of that global commitment. And a survey done a few years ago indicates that the awareness of youths on subjects such as Bio-diversity, Climate Change, and the Environment was shocking.“We were very surprised in spite of the amount of investment we have had in our educational system….there is still a lot that needs to be done in the area of understanding what these issues are, and how they relate to our daily lives.”Acting British High Commissioner Simon Bond said every individual can play a part in developing the environment, because the actions of everyone contribute to the global phenomenon of climate change.The British envoy disclosed that the project has two crucial aspects, one being climate change.“This is a subject that is not going to go away in a couple years’ time, this is with us in the foreseeable future and that means that we have to look to future generations to actually do the right thing….young people are at an age where they are able to be aware of the concepts, and hopefully change their habits for the future.”Capacity Building Coordinator of CI, Rene Edwards,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, said CI would be working with the Ministry of Education through National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), to implement a biodiversity series that will be placed on DVD, and will include issues on Biodiversity and Climate Change. It will be distributed nationally in Secondary Schools.Adding that the DVD would be tied to the national curriculum,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) curriculum, Edwards said as a complimentary edition, CI will be producing a climate change biodiversity resource book.

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