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發表於 2018-10-9 08:16:01 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Stayfree Alexander, one of the prime suspects in Wednesday’s robbery at a Mahaicony supermarket, has confessed to the murder of Linden businesswoman, Shevon Gordon, and to his involvement in at least two armed robberies in Berbice.Crime Chief Blanhum said that Alexander is likely to appear in court this week in connection with the offences.Alexander, known also as ‘Gun Youth,’ is one of three men who police captured after an intense, 18-hour stakeout,Wholesale Jerseys, in the wake of the attack at Mahaicony.Police had said that Alexander had given them a fictitious name, but detectives eventually identified him.One of his alleged victims, 45-year-old businesswoman, Shevon Gordon, was shot dead near her Block 22,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, Wismar,Cheap NFL jerseys China, Linden home last April.Two men were subsequently charged. Soon after, police received statements from individuals who identified ‘Gun Youth’ as the person who pulled the trigger.He is also a suspect in a grocery store heist at New Amsterdam,Cristiano Ronaldo Maglia Juve Originale, Berbice, which occurred in January. He was wounded after allegedly shooting at police ranks,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, but managed to escape.Police have said that ‘Gun Youth’ is also wanted for the attempted murder of a taxi driver, who was shot in East La Penitence this year.Further, he is believed to have committed an armed robbery at a Popeye’s fast food establishment.Alexander was captured Wednesday night after the car in which the Mahaicony bandits were escaping crashed at Mahaica.Two other suspects were captured on Thursday after police ranks set fire to a bushy area in which the gunmen were hiding.One of the bandits, a 21-year old labourer from Rosignol, West Bank Berbice, was shot in the right shoulder.His alleged accomplice, a 51-year-old man from Charlestown,NFL Jerseys Cheap, received several shotgun pellets to his face. He is likely to lose an eye.At least one of the bandits was positively identified by some of the victims of the robbery which took place at the J. Singh and Sons Supermarket at La Raisonable, Mahaicony.Police were able to recover some of the stolen items, including a DVR, which had recorded some of the bandits’ operation,NFL Jerseys From China, and some jewellery.They also recovered a 9mm pistol with three matching rounds.

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