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發表於 2018-10-10 04:25:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A commercial sex worker who was picked up by a client Sunday night outside St. George’s Cathedral was robbed of cash and his house keys after the client discovered that the sex worker was not exactly what he wanted.The commercial sex worker who was robbed after being picked up at the CathedralAccording to reports,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, a man who was intoxicated at the WindJammer International, Queen Street,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, Kitty decided to take a taxi and visit the St George’s Cathedral where he picked up a commercial sex worker. Upon returning to WindJammer he booked a room and discovered that his choice was not exactly what he expected.It was further reported that the man who had given the sex worker $20,000 decided to take back his money and then searched the sex worker’s handbag from which he retrieved a small “chopper” and $63,Wholesale Jerseys From China,000. He then used the weapon to threaten the sex worker who called for backup. This caused a clash at WindJammer.The sex worker, who was later identified as Michael Wilson,Cheap Jerseys From China, of Alberttown,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, declared that all he had wanted back was his house keys since “I got to change my clothes to work tonight.”Police intervened after two of the sex workers’ friends who also ply the same trade turned up at WindJammer’s and created a ruckus. The man who solicited the sex worker’s service subsequently fled the scene jumping a fence after realizing that he was outnumbered.“I got a $100,NFL Jerseys Wholesale,000 in my bag and if anybody did snatch it then this place would have bruck up… no male police can’t arrest me yea, we got to get female police to take we in,” another sex worker said.According to an employee of the establishment,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the man who was drunk didn’t even realize the choice he had made at St. George’s Cathedral. “Is when he come back and go up in the room he realize is not a woman.”

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