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Man Utd 3rd Kit 18/19 "I was heartbroken









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發表於 2018-10-10 07:29:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I'd rather not have him have to have that opportunity to have to make that drive that he made," a relieved Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said after the game, three days removed from declaring that coach Jason Garrett would return in 2014 even if Dallas missed the playoffs for the fourth straight year. "We didn't need to lose that football game."
He needed points in some form against the Vikings because Dallas was down 23-20, and got it with a 7-yard pass to Dwayne Harris with 35 seconds left to finish a 90-yard drive in just 2:09.
"It is a role that I am comfortable in," said Garrett, who gave up the play-calling duties to Callahan this year. "Just having been a quarterback and been in that situation, you don't want some guy in your ear the whole game. So, I understand that. Essentially, I was just giving him the play like Wade gave him the play. But you do get a chance to add something here or there."
Just as he did against Minnesota two games earlier, Romo went to the huddle for a critical late possession with a simple message: The Cowboys were going to get a touchdown.
"I was heartbroken," said Bryant, who lost a 100-yard receiving game Monday when the NFL revised his total based on the fumble and gave him 86 yards on nine catches. "I had to keep myself together because those guys were believing in me and I was believing in them, and I had to keep my composure and go out there and play my game."
After the play, Romo screamed at Bryant while the receiver looked down and nodded.
Notes: The Cowboys re-signed CB Sterling Moore with Morris Claiborne expected to miss Thursday's game after aggravating a hamstring injury against the Giants. Moore was released at the end of the preseason.
The Cowboys used the bye week to juggle the play-calling mechanics after a 49-17 loss to New Orleans that was their worst under Garrett. Bill Callahan was still choosing the plays,Supply Cheapest Air Max, but Garrett replaced Wilson as the relay man on the sideline, with Wilson joining Callahan in the booth for a better view of the defense.
Dallas just knows this: With Romo's winning drive to Dan Bailey's 35-yard field goal on the final play at the New York Giants on Sunday, the Cowboys are back in control of the NFC East with five games left,Cheap Adidas Shoes Australia, starting with a short week before their Thanksgiving game against Oakland.
IRVING, Texas (AP) — Tony Romo has now directed decisive fourth-quarter drives in the past two Dallas wins.
"To the quarterback on the field it doesn't sound terribly different because it's just coming in,Mens Air Jordan Retro 3 Black Cement Grey 136064-010," he said. "When I come to the sideline I just get on the headset and talk to Wade. And Bill and Jason always are a part of it."
Combine those two winning drives, and Romo was 13 of 17 for 157 yards. And instead of tumbling toward another potentially tumultuous offseason, Dallas is tied with Philadelphia at 6-5, has a 4-0 division record and gets the Eagles at home to finish the regular season.
Garrett said several times that the Cowboys hadn't changed much. Romo agreed.
"I think you either feel comfortable in those situations or you don't," said Romo, who has 23 touchdowns and seven interceptions. "Just through all the experiences and all the times you've put yourself in that position as a team and we feel good. We've done that a couple of times these last three weeks or four weeks and you just go out and do it."
Besides the weather, there was one other big difference for Romo in his latest winning drive. He had Garrett in his ear on the headset instead of Wade Wilson.

Following Romo's lead, the rest of the Cowboys did,Air Max 270 Sale, too.
The Cowboys don't even want to think about where they would be without the latest successes from Romo,Cheap Wholesale Adidas Shoes, whose resume is also filled with some notable late-game failures.
Dez Bryant had two third-down catches before the Cowboys were in field goal range against the Giants,Cheap Air Max 270, making up for a bobble that turned into Romo's only interception, another drop, and a fumble that went backward 26 yards and turned a possible first down into third-and-30.
The Cowboys weren't behind against the Giants, but had blown a 15-point lead in the second half and let New York get even at 21-21. Romo was 80 yards from the end zone on a frigid field, and got the Cowboys in position to run out the clock before Bailey's kick for a 24-21 win.

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