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發表於 2018-10-10 23:17:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) wants the new Narcotics Drug and Psychotropic Substances (Control) (Amendment) Bill 2015, to go to the select committee for further consultation before it is tabled in Parliament, a PPP official said yesterday.The Bill, which was drafted by Attorney Nigel Hughes and Mark Waldron following the imprisonment of national football coach, Vibert Butts, for possession of marijuana, is expected to be tabled on Thursday by a Member of Parliament.Divided into three sections—Amendment of Section 4 of the Principal Act; the Amendment of Section 5 of the Principal Act; and the Amendment of Section 12 of the Principle Act—the Bill is expected to remove the mandatory imprisonment of persons who have been accused of having in their possession relatively small amounts of cannabis, and cannabis resin whilst increasing the quantity which will constitute trafficking in cannabis or cannabis resin to one thousand grams.The legislation is founded on the experience of several citizens—predominantly youths who have been incarcerated for small quantities of cannabis or cannabis resin and who as a result of their incarceration have been unnecessarily economically and socially disadvantaged.The official said that the PPP executive body met on Friday to discuss the content of the Bill and they all agreed that the Bill should be taken to the select committee for further consultation.“There needs to be public hearing,” the official said, adding that once the Bill is returned it would allow for more conscience voting.Public Health Minister, George Norton, had stated that more in-depth consideration must be given to the Bill along with widespread consultation. He also stated that the legalization of marijuana smoking would fly in the face of the anti-tobacco legislation, which will be tabled next year.Hughes, however, disagreed with Norton’s notion, arguing that such legislation would not need consultation since “the evidence is clear that it does more harm than good”.He is hoping that all political parties will have a “conscience” to vote in favour of the legislation. The law indicates that anyone found in possession of marijuana is liable to a fine of $10,Fc Barcelona Tienda Espa?a,000 or three times the monetary value of the drug. If in excess of fifteen grams of cannabis it is mandated that the offender should be sentenced to a minimum of three years’ imprisonment.“We have witnessed too many daughters and sons’ lives ruined as a result of their incarceration whether on remand or pursuant to a sentence. Perhaps the time has come for us to take responsibility for having unjust, cruel and unusual penalties for possession of cannabis,” he had stated.The explanatory memorandum stated that the social intercourse and interaction afforded by the incarceration has resulted in regrettable contamination and education of many young persons in criminal behavior and anti social tendencies.Almost on a daily basis people are being charged for possession of small amounts of marijuana.

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