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發表於 2018-10-10 23:45:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A massive operation by the police, including members of its SWAT unit, ended with the capture yesterday of the two remaining suspects in the brutal murder of Soesdyke-based Agriculturist Anthony Breedy.The two men surrendered after they were cornered in a bushy area in the West Bank Berbice village of Ithaca,Nuova Maglia Juventus 18/19, where they were reportedly hiding out since Sunday.Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told Kaieteur News last night that the men were captured and were brought to the city for questioning.The men had been implicated by the prime suspect in Breedy’s murder, ex-convict Paul Goriah, who was nabbed on Tuesday on the East Coast of Demerara, a day after the victim’s body was discovered.According to the Crime Chief, the police, acting on information, swooped down on the usually low key village in what was described by residents as a well organized operation, seen for the first time in their community.He said that the police were told that the men were armed and hence they adopted a tactical but cautious posture by surrounding a large area where the men had sought refuge.Realizing that they were cornered, one of the men quickly surrendered, while the other remained in hiding for awhile. He was eventually persuaded by his partner to come out.No weapon was found on the men but when questioned,Cheap Adidas Shoes China, they took investigators to another location in the village where they had stashed a .32 pistol. Another man at that location was also arrested.A female resident of the area told Kaieteur News that she first noticed heavily-armed ranks in the community at about 15:00 hours yesterday.“Dey surround a whole two streets…the men were in an empty lot between some big bush,Nike Air Max Salg,” the resident told this newspaper. She explained that the ranks warned residents to remain in their houses and they complied, although some of them wanted to get a close-up view of the operation.She said that realizing that they had nowhere to go, one of the suspects quickly surrendered, while his accomplice remained hidden among the bushes.“He tek long fuh come out…is de other one who tell he fuh come out,” the resident said.According to the woman, the two suspects are not from Ithaca,Jordan Pas Cher Homme France, but they were taken there by a man who has relatives in the village.“The people at de house dey been staying didn’t know wha dey do, because dey just come acting normal,” the woman stated.She recalled that the men were first seen in the community on Sunday during the village’s Mashramani celebrations. From all indications they were enjoying the proceeds of their work the previous day.“Sunday we see dem at de mash, but nobody didn’t know wha going on. People see de strange men and ask, but dem ain’t get no proper answer,” the woman said.She told this newspaper that when the men were captured yesterday, they had on the same set of clothing that they were seen with on Sunday.“Ithaca don’t get dis kinda story,” she declared.On Wednesday, police had arrested the girlfriend of the man who reportedly confessed to killing the 60-year-old Breedy. The woman was held in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge with some of the items stolen from Breedy’s house in a car that she was driving.According to Crime Chief Blanhum, the woman’s house at Bagotville was subsequently searched and the dead man’s cellular phone was discovered there.The prime suspect was arrested on Tuesday on the East Coast of Demerara, shortly after he had stashed Breedy’s stolen vehicle. At the time he was still carrying Breedy’s Automated Teller Machine (ATM) card.Breedy’s body was found at around 11:00 hours on Monday in the lower flat of his house at Hill Foot,Site Air Max Pas Cher, Soesdyke. His limbs were bound and he bore injuries to his head. His home was ransacked.There was no sign of forced entry to the house, which suggested that he was killed by someone who was invited there.Goriah confirmed this in his statement to the investigators.Since his arrest, the prime suspect,Cheap Mens Adidas Basketball Shoes, Goriah, an ex-convict,Zapatillas Deportivas Asics Baratas, has given detectives a detailed account of how Breedy was killed.Over the next few days investigators will be tying up the loose ends of the case with a view to taking the matter before the court soon.Crime Chief Blanhum said that the police have already secured permission to hold Goriah and his girlfriend beyond the mandatory 72-hour detention period.

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