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Asics Gel Kayano 23 Noir mngurk0i









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發表於 2018-10-11 00:33:43 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The skeletal remains believed to be that of 49-year-old Davenand Singh was yesterday found some one and a half mile down in the New Hope backlands, East Bank Demerara.The skeletal remains believed to be that of 49-year-old Davenand Singh The discovery was made by the man’s stepdaughter and a group of hunters who went in search of Singh who went missing on January 2.The woman, Amanda Sawh, told this newspaper that she last saw her stepfather some three weeks ago. She said that Singh was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and the last time he saw her he jumped over her back fence.The woman said that since it was just after the holidays, the family was planning to take Singh to get professional help.“He use to tell we that people coming fuh kill he and how de birds killing out all the cows and them kinda things,” the woman recalled.She said that the day after her stepfather fled in their back yard she went to make a report at the Grove Police Station. In the meantime, her family kept searching every possible location to find him.She said that after making several enquiries in the village she was told that a hunter spotted her stepfather in the backlands.“A man tell we dat he see he ( Singh) lying in the backyard crying out, ‘Sharda wheh you deh? Bring water fuh meh.” That was three weeks back.” The woman said that on Sunday the family managed to contact the hunter who promised the family that he would take them to backlands to the last place Singh was spotted.Some time around 09:00 yesterday, after an intensive search in the backlands, the party found a mere skeleton with underwear on.Dead: 49-year-old Davenand SinghThe police were immediately informed as well as other family members.Some family members say that the remains look like Singh’s since he had the same missing teeth. Two of the man’s sons who were also on the scene, said that they believe that the remains are their father’s.The remains were removed and have since been taken to the Lyken Funeral home awaiting a post mortem examination. Moments after the discovery, several attempts were made to contact Government Pathologist, Dr. Nehaul Singh,Air Max Sko Norge, for a post mortem on the spot.However, Dr. Singh could not have been contacted at the time.A senior officer has since told this newspaper that the possibility of having a DNA test be done to confirm if the remains are that of Singh is not likely since they have enough evidence which strongly suggest that the remains are Singh’s.However, thus far there are no suspicions of foul play.

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