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發表於 2018-10-11 03:56:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A team of top officials of the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) met Monday with local stakeholders at a forum organised by the National Frequency Management Unit.Delivering a brief presentation at the Regency Hotel, Hadfield Street, TATT’s Vice Chairman Kwesi Prescod noted that media and rules governing media operatives will have to evolve, as they have done before, to adapt to the changing times, and cited the internet as an area that holds challenges as well as opportunities, a government statement said Monday.Prescod added that, “With great power comes great responsibility”, hence self regulation is also necessary as is the need to build good faith amongst all stakeholders.After his presentation, various questions were posed by stakeholders inclusive of veteran media operatives and other participants.In response to a query, TATT Deputy Chairman Cagnay Casinire noted that the road to good broadcast legislation is a long one, and though Trinidad’s route to legislation governing broadcast is yet to be put in place, the end result will be the same.After many public consultations, the twin-island Republic now has a code which will eventually form the basis for broadcast legislation and Casinire noted that Guyana’s move to institute an act to govern broadcast should be commended for its speedy implementation.He also echoed the view that Trinidad’s legal framework for broadcast legislation mirrors that of Guyana’s.According to Casinire, even contentious television stations are now on board, as they all understand that standards are important as they lend credibility to the entire industry. He added that whilst the two countries are clearly in different environments, which will dictate how key issues are addressed,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens, the focus is the same in both cases.The event was described by Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon, during his closing remarks, as the start of the learning curve to generate confidence on both sides about the benefits of the Broadcast Act.Among those present, were Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, TATT Chief Executive Officer Chris Seecheran and TATT Spectrum Planning, Management and Monitoring Manager, Kirk Sookram.The Broadcast Act was first tabled in parliament in September 2011 and became effective in August 2012.The governing board of the Guyana National Broadcast Authority, subsequent to the commencement order identifying that the Broadcast Act of 2011 is in force. The Board’s chairperson is former Human Services Minister and Attorney-at-Law, Bibi Shadick and includes Margot Boyce, Gerald Gouveia, Major General Rtd. Norman McLean, Dr. Dindyal Permaul, Sherwood Lowe (nominee of the Opposition Leader) and Charles Ramson Jr.The governing board is statutorily tasked with licencing in the broadcast sector and ensuring compliance among broadcasters with the provisions of the Broadcast Act.

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