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發表於 2018-10-11 11:45:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Diamond crash victim was returning from wedding houseFourteen people have now perished in road accidents within the past four days, the latest being 27-year-old Bopendra Narine, who was killed in Sunday night’s crash at Diamond, East Bank Demerara.Narine,Cheap Shoes Online Australia Free Shipping, a barber of Lot 33 Grove Squatting Area, died some 30 minutes after crashing into a utility pole in the vicinity of Demerara Distillers Limited.His wife, Amanda Singh, 26, sustained head injuries and a fractured right arm. She was treated and discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital. Earlier in the night, Bopendra had gone to a close friend’s wedding at Herstelling, East Bank Demerara.Driving a jet-black car with the words ‘Black Lightning’ emblazoned on its side, Narine, accompanied by his wife, was heading home from the wedding house when disaster struck near the Demerara Distillers Limited turn.The victim’s brother, Boyo Narine, was driving right behind his sibling, and saw it all.“I was right behind him, and I see him come round the turn, and he lose control and flip over three times and hit a post.”The pole snapped in two, leaving electrical wires strewn across the roadway.“He wife pitch out of the car into a drain and he left lying in the car,” the brother recalled.Boyo Narine took the injured couple to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where the staff relayed the grim news.“They tell us that he suffered internal damage and bleeding heavily and half hour later he dead.”Amanda Singh, who was fortunate to escape with relatively minor injuries, still appeared dazed from her ordeal.“All I remember is that the car start to zig-zag and I pitch out in a drain, and my brother-in-law pull me out,” she said.Bopendra Narine is survived by his wife and two sons, aged four and two.While the victim’s brother said that staff at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre did their best to save his sibling, he said that the family is concerned that there was no ambulance available at the institution.Kaieteur News had observed two ambulances in the compound, but the driver was reportedly not around. The victim’s wife was said to have been transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation by an  ambulance from that institution.Earlier on Sunday, motorcyclist Robin Ali was killed on the same public road when his CBR motorcycle crashed into a pole near Houston. And on Friday, 12 people perished when a minibus and a truck collided at Number 19 Village, Corentyne.Traffic officials disclosed yesterday that the recent accidents have pushed the road death toll to 103 for this year, compared to 97 for the same period in 2009.

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