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發表於 2018-10-11 12:54:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…power company accuses him of electricity theftMoonieraj Singh, a resident of Diamond Housing scheme, is contending that his wife who is eight months pregnant, is having sleepless nights ever since she was reportedly terrorized by a two-man Guyana Power and Light (GPL) crew.According to Singh,Curry 1 Lux Mid Leather, two Fridays ago, about 13:30 hrs, two GPL workers “quietly” entered his yard without permission. He claimed that at the time, his wife and daughter were preparing meals in the kitchen.Singh said, “Me wife hear sounds coming from the yard and decided to go check it. She tell me that when she go to the door she see like somebody in the yard and she knees get weak, then she fall down. Me son and daughter go to help she up and put she fuh sit.  Then me son went outside only fuh see the two men ripping down the (tarpaulin) I get on me verandah to keep out the rain. When me son talk to dem, dem cuss he up.”The man said that the two men photographed all over his yard then left.Singh claimed that he subsequently had to take his wife to the hospital in the wake of the incident, she continues to be panting for breath and can’t sleep.Singh noted that he reported the matter and was asked to contact Kumar Sharma, Divisional Director Loss Reduction Department, who took the details of allegations against the crew and promised to return a call after investigation.“Li’l bit after, he call me back and say how ‘I thiefing light and de men tell he that dem didn’t cuss me up’ he aint say nothing to represent my discomfort.”GPL officials, when contacted, refuted the claims put forward by Singh. Loss reduction Field Service Manager, Loaknauth Singh, said that an investigation has been launched into the matter.He stated that it is indeed suspected that the consumer is illegally using electricity. He noted that considering what the man has in his home, his consumption is “really low.” The manager said that the crew claimed that they didn’t deface anything in the consumer’s compound.Further, the manager said that photographs were taken to prove that the consumer’s meter has been tampered with.Sharma said that the company intends to remove the meter from Singh’s verandah and put on the lamp post.  “We will see if his consumption will go up after that.”

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