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In what is being viewed as a major development for the region, CARICOM is today expected to start the implementation of an online system that will dramatically improve the applications for free movement of skills in the region.CARICOM has launched an online application forum to allow citizens of the regions to move freely and work in any member states.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in its announcement yesterday, said that the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) Application Processing System (CAPS) is a crucial component of a larger initiative to make the rights of citizens in the region more accessible and to ensure a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness in the processing of these rights.“The CAPS is a fully integrated web-based information management system and will facilitate the movement of skilled persons and temporary service providers across the 12 participating member states, by efficiently processing a significant number of documents which fall under the different processes,” the Foreign Affairs Ministry explained.The system was developed in 2014 under the Canadian-funded CARICOM Trade and Competitiveness Project and is expected to contribute to the achievement of the full integration of the national markets of member states of the Community into a single, unified and open market area.“In addition to this, the CAPS also responds to mandates as captured in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas which among other things, calls for the modernisation of Governments bureaucracies. In addition to addressing these specific treaty mandates, the system will also generate reliable data on movement in the Single Market.”The absence of information has been a challenge for the community and member states which have been grappling with the issue of data collection in the implementation of the CSM, the ministry disclosed yesterday.“Since its development there has been extensive training on the CAPS both at the national and regional levels and member states have readied their national operations to facilitate the use of the CAPS. Following discussions on the launch of the CAPS, the decision was taken to start the implementation of the CAPS on 1 November 2016,” the ministry said.“In light of the above, interested persons are invited to start using the online tool and send their electronic application. The website is caps.caricom.org.”The ministry asked that persons interested in more information on the issuance of the CARICOM Skilled Certificates in Guyana to make contact with its CARICOM Unit located on its office.In recent years,Adidas Pas Cher Chine, more and more persons have been applying for the certificates which have allowed them to gain employment in CARICOM member states.

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