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發表於 2018-10-11 16:29:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Several groupings in civil society yesterday came out in solidarity with those that have already condemned the four-month suspension of CNS TV 6 adding that while its legality may be challenged, “the fact that it is unjust and provocative says much about the current state of Guyanese society.”The groupings that have signed onto the position include the Amerindian People’s Association,Camisetas Futbol Espa?a Baratas, Guyana Bar Association, Guyana Human Rights Association, Guyana Society for the Blind, Red Thread, Rights of Children, Transparency Institute of Guyana Inc., Common Ground, Church Women United, Grassroots Women Across Race, Guyana Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities, Mabaruma Heritage Committee and the Vilvoorden Women’s Organization in Essequibo.They are calling for the administration to rescind the suspension with immediate effect or, at the very least, postpone its implementation until after the elections to remove the appearance of electoral manipulation.There was also a call to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to take responsibility to develop a protocol guided by the principles of fairness, transparency and accountability to create a level playing field with respect to access to the State-owned media during the electoral season.According to the position signed onto, the widespread perception of injustice is rooted also in the provocative timing of the suspension of Sharma.“It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that application of the penalty was delayed to take CNS Channel 6 off the air during the electoral season.”The grouping insists that the penalty is excessive and that suspension of a licence should only follow a pattern of abuse and not isolated acts.It was further stated that the distinction between the roles of Government “as trustee of the State media and that of the ruling party as electoral contender is confusing.”The group also states that in addition to its ongoing responsibility to function as the public trustee for state-owned newspapers, radio and television stations which are funded by taxpayers and managed by public servants, the Government must during the period of elections, exercise even greater care to ensure this function is discharged in keeping with the principles of fairness, transparency and accountability.It was pointed out that the allegation that the broadcast created religious strife appears to be unfounded since no religious organization is known to have raised it. “Moreover, the current Administration’s policy of promoting involvement of religious figures in partisan politics has run the risk of religious rivalry more than an isolated broadcast commentary.”The group is adamant that the recommendation of suspension on the part of the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting (ACB) smacks of hypocrisy.“We say this because of its failure to address the systematic abuse of Broadcasting Guidelines as a result of the monopoly exercised by Government over the State-owned media.”The civil society  position points out also that action in the Civil Courts has been taken by the aggrieved party and that, “civil action in the courts, the proper route for resolution of issues of this nature, is already being pursued by the aggrieved party.”In voicing its support for the lifting of the suspension of CNS TV 6, the grouping says that the affected television station provides a source of legitimate views and opinions at variance with the Government and which have virtually no access to state-owned media.The group has also called on religious organizations to launch a public conversation on the appropriate role of religion in political life.Only recently the combined political opposition, along with the religious community, other sections of civil society and the trade union movement had expressed their disdain of the action taken against the television station.In a joint statement they had said that, “We believe that the frivolous explanation proffered by the President is intended to cloud the real intention behind the suspension: the silencing of all voices of dissent.”They, at the time had reminded that the very fact that the controversial Vieira commentary was also aired on another channel, but no such action was taken against that channel evidences the reality that CNS 6 is the victim of sustained Government harassment and persecution.“Also, given the fact that this controversial commentary is currently engaging the attention of the Court, this suspension indeed flies in the face of the procedural sanctity of the judicial process.”The opposition parties state such harassment has to be seen as a component of an established pattern which has included other victims, namely, Freddie Kissoon, Christopher Ram, Ramon Gaskin, the suspension of the Merundoi programme and the religious broadcast from NCN at Linden along with the entire independent media which has been deemed the new opposition.“The reality is that the suspension is purported to be done on the basis of the recommendations of the improperly constituted body of the ACB, the status of which is the subject of court proceedings…This has to be seen as morally and legally repugnant.”They said that the closure of CNS TV 6 at this critical period, just before the holding of the 2011 General and Regional Elections can only be calculated to silence all voices of dissent.“It is a shameful breach of all the rules, values and conventions of the democratic societal model…this suspension has to be seen as a blatant attack on the constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression, both in its letter and spirit.”

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