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發表於 2018-10-11 17:30:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By: Phylicia RichardsonResidents of Kuru Kururu, Soesdyke/Linden Highway, still await repairs to the main access road leading to the back of the village. They want repairs, too, to the cross streets which are in a deplorable state after years of unfulfilled promise.According to reports, it has been a number of years since villagers have been faced with poor roadways. Repairs were carried out on the main access road some years ago. However, due to poor works and heavy rain falls,Cheap Air Max 270, the road began to deteriorate within months.Residents had pleaded with the past Administration, but nothing was done. There were promises, though. Then, much to the disgust of residents, the Kuru Kururu /Laluni access road was built.There is disgruntlement among villagers as the vastly deteriorating roads affect both them and vehicle operators.One motorcar operator said that only recently he “burst” a tyre after he had driven into a deep pot hole on a rainy day. He said that he had underestimated the steepness of the hole.A few drivers have signaled their concern as they opined that the ‘growing’ pot holes are hazardous. Residents, some of whom are left with no other choice but to walk significant distances to gain access to public transportation, are frustrated.It’s also extremely difficult for vehicles to drive through the huge pot holes which become worse every time it rains.The disgruntled villagers say their frustrations were made worse by the fact that the access road leading to Laluni, located aback of Kuru Kururu has been repaired while theirs is still in a state of disrepair.Huge water-filled potholes were spotted between the Doubles and Mike Street area.  Vehicles were seen diverting routes, using cross streets. Even the cross streets are falling apart.A very concern citizen, Sheldon Seabra, had written this publication a while ago. “While commuting along the East Bank Demerara public road on a daily basis from Kuru-Kururu to Georgetown, one can easily notice the paving of new roads in many of the villages along the way.“However, it seems as if our community is the forgotten place, as our main road is deteriorating and many of the secondary roads and streets that are covered with loam are almost impassable”Almost five years after his letter, villagers still share the same sentiment and had opted to sign a petition to have the road done, but it is unclear what had became of that initiative.With the change of Administration, villagers are hoping that promises will be fulfilled. The now Government APNU+AFC had promised that there will be better roads for the village.Meanwhile, residents of ‘A’ Field Sophia are dissatisfied with the conditions of roads in that area. “Let them see how we are struggling with the conditions of the roads, B Field was repaired.”In the Mocha/Arcadia area on Monday, observed that there were need for repair to the cross streets in those areas.The ride to the location was a ‘rough’ one. One resident opined that the village was a ‘forbidden kingdom’ as there was little interest shown in the area. He noted that the lamp poles that recently fell with high winds were rotten for a while but were ignored.Poor infrastructure has been the cry of many villagers as their respective villages have been overlooked for many years despite having the need for development.Roads are in a deplorable state, there are little or no ‘proper’ recreational facilities and some public buildings are falling apart.  “It is time for better roads” and other lacked infrastructures.

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