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發表於 2018-10-11 22:17:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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On Friday, staff bid farewell to the rented building of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court at 92, Middle Street, Georgetown as the last of the court’s possessions were being moved to its original location on the Avenue of the Republic.$160M and approximately three years later, the building is finally ready to have proceedings resume at its original location. Despite the series of “false alarms” received before, it was recently announced by Acting Chancellor of the Judiciary Carl Singh that the sittings of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court will tomorrow (January 20)The last of the load delivered at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courtresume at the renovated building.Friday was officially the last day Courts One, Two, Three, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten occupied separate locations. It was also the day on which proceedings were halted at an earlier hour as the staff members were busy packing the last of the ‘load’ to be re-transported to the Avenue of the Republic building.Reports are that members of staff were up to yesterday (Saturday) packing and arranging the court for Monday’s proceedings.The rehabilitation works on the building began back in 2011 and the sessions of the court were then facilitated at different locations. Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry and Magistrates Ann McLennan, Judy Latchman, Fabayo Azore and Faith McGusty were housed at the now defunct Globe Trust Building, Middle Street, Georgetown while Magistrates Geeta Chandan-Edmonds, Chandra Sohan and Delon Bess presided over their courts at the Jai Narine Building on Croal Street (behind the Magistrates’ Court’s original location).Due to the limited space, the court rooms, particularly at Middle Street, were constantly overcrowded with the many civilians who would have had matters to be heard there. During that period, many people complained about the space inhibitions and the conditions under which the court was forced to operate.In fact, the building was expected to be completed several months ago, but the reason for the prolonged delay was attributed to various problems, including difficulties with the Guyana Power and Light (GPL).The total cost for the renovation of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court last stood at $160M. The renovations were done under the Modernisation of the Justice Administration Project, which provides for the improvement of the physical and infrastructural institutional capacity of the Justice Sector. The project was being funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).The modernized structure is expected to accommodate 10 Courts, each having offices for the Magistrates, along with washroom facilities. The court will also have accommodations for the Office of the Clerk of the Georgetown Magisterial District and support staff, along with an area to accommodate prisoners and members of the media.It will be fully air-conditioned and sound proof and have two parking lots – on the northern side of the building, on Croal Street, as well as on the southern side, on Brickdam, with reserved parking areas for court officials.As at the end of February 2013, Government had paid $52.8M in rental for the alternative building. Last year,Cheap Mens Adidas Basketball Shoes, Minister within the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, had said that Government wanted to stop renting the premises last year. But, that did not materialise.Sources had indicated that the rental for the defunct Globe Trust building could be far more than the aforementioned figure, with the monthly cost being in the vicinity of US$25,000. Government began renting the premises in March 2011 at US$11,000 (G$2.2M) per month.

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