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發表於 2018-10-12 00:38:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– “mastermind” remanded Brianna Rodney, a 25-year-old American woman, who claimed that she saw an opportunity to hit the jackpot and took it,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens, was yesterday sentenced to four years’ imprisonment and fined $30,000 fine after she pleaded guilty to the charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.Her partner, Andre Gustavo, who is the alleged engineer of the crime, was remanded.Andre GustavPresiding over the case at the Georgetown Magistrates’ court was Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine Beharry.On July 3, at the Cheddi Jagan Airport, the unrepresented defendant had 4.130 kilograms of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.Gustavo, 24, of Vryheid’s Lust is said by the prosecution to be the “engineer or rather the architect of the entire plan.”He pleaded not guilty when the said charge was read to him by the Chief Magistrate which stated that on the said date, he had in his possession, the said narcotics, at Sheriff Street.C.A.N.U’s (Customs Anti Narcotics Unit) special prosecutor, Oswald Massiah, said that Gustav shared a close relationship with Rodney. From the suitcase containing the illegal substance, to the taxi that took Rodney to the airport, he is said to have orchestrated every move with regard to the arrangement.The prosecutor also stated that Rodney is an American by birth and gave her address as, 2121 Westbury, Brooklyn. She is also said to be a social worker in her country. The defendant’s passport shows that she visited Guyana on two occasions, the last being on March 12, 2013. During her stay, it was noted that Rodney picked up a string of associates and thus has several addresses, the last being at Hotel Inn on Sheriff Street.It is believed that due to the clique of associates she established during her visit, she arranged with them to take the illegal substance to the U.S.A for a fee.Massiah added that the suitcase the defendant came with to Guyana was intended to be used to carry the suspected narcotics to the U.S.A but it got damaged in the process and was subsequently replaced. The new case was then packed and given to the defendant who was escorted to the Airport.The suitcase was locked and came with a pair of keys which the defendant had in her possession.  On the day in question, officers attached to the anti narcotics branch who were on duty, noticed the defendant acting in a suspicious manner and carried out a search on the said suitcase which was checked in by the defendant.The case was searched in her presence and the ranking officers found six packets concealed in a false bottom of the suitcase. It turned out to be cocaine. The defendant was then told of the offence, cautioned and arrested.The suitcase containing the drugs was then escorted to the C.A.N.U Headquarters where additional investigations were carried out.Massiah said that Rodney was very compliant and gave a detailed statement which she signed.Advice was then sought on the matter and the said charge was instituted.The C.A.N.U prosecutor disclosed that due to additional investigations that were done, it showed that several persons were also involved and charges are likely to befall those implicated.Brianna RodneyA remorseful Rodney who has no previous convictions known to the court, then said, “Your worship, I was fully aware of what I was doing and what I was carrying. I saw an opportunity and I took it. I am sorry your worship. I did this because I have my great grandmother, my grandmother, my mother, two brothers and one sister back home and my mom and I are the only bread winners of the home. I am really sorry for what I did your worship and at this time I beg for your leniency.”The Chief Magistrate then said, “Taking into consideration the aggravating circumstances…the prevalence of the offence, quantity trafficked and the fact that you are remorseful and you are taking responsibility for your actions, you are sentenced to four years imprisonment together with a fine of $30,000.”Though Gustavo volunteered to give a written statement and was cautioned, bail for the mastermind behind the plan, was refused by the prosecution on the grounds that he was convicted for a matter of a similar nature.The matter of Gustavo was then transferred before Magistrate Ann McLennan who adjourned the case until July 13 for report and fixture.

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