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發表於 2018-10-12 01:35:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Minister FoxEven as the Education Ministry strives to improve the level of education, Minister within the Education Ministry, Dr Desrey Fox, related that teachers are a crucial factor to the strategies for achieving quality education in structured ways.According to Dr Fox,Cheap China Shoes Wholesale, who was addressing a group of senior education officials at the time, the education system must be served by professionals who are guided in their operations by a set of systemic and incisive understandings, beliefs and values about education in general.“This means that schools must be run by teachers who are professionals and are informed. They must operate as a part of a learning community to which the development of a student is an integrated process fostered by an instructional environment that is conducive to learning and involving a collaborative effort between teachers, support staff, parents,Asics Dynaflyte 2 Womens, guardians and the community.”And even as Education Month is being observed under the theme: ‘Education of the child: a parent and teacher obligation’ the minister pointed out that the collaborative team should see themselves as facilitators engaging the participation of students.“Parents and other stakeholders must be involved in the education process,Air Max Ireland Outlet, so teachers must therefore see themselves as educators with a high sense of security,Nuova Maglia Juventus 18/19, confidence, self-esteem and integrity.”The minister, however, admitted that the task that teachers are expected to carry out is in fact “a huge, huge undertaking.”But while much is expected of teachers, the minister pointed out that the work of teachers actually constitutes the second level by which children are nurtured to become productive members of the society.“Teachers are second to parents in terms of taking the children another step in life,” Minister Fox asserted.And in order to ensure that teachers are able to fulfil their supporting role to produce good students, the minister disclosed, one of the goals of the Ministry of Education’s strategic plan is the reform of teacher education in Guyana.Minister within the Education Ministry,Hombre/Mujer Mister Cartoon x Nike Cortez QS  LA  Blancas/Rojo Universidad AA4875-002, Dr Desrey FoxAccording to her, teacher education is an indispensable part of the whole reform effort,Nike Air Max Ale, and without appropriate separation of teachers at all levels of the school system, the system will not be able to meet the new order for education of the young in the present world environment.“Teachers are being called up to teach in ways that they had not experienced as students and to teach subjects that may be new to them.”And, according to the minister, there are many teachers who give of their best to deliver quality education, and feel obligated to nurture the best of the best.Equally, the minister said, the standards of education have been compromised by some teachers who have no pride and no sense of dedication.“Some teachers still feel that parents have no right to challenge teachers’ approaches to educating their children…They feel that parents are ignorant about what they want in the education of their children. Others continuously breach regulations and remain adamant to change their ways and remain in the teaching profession for money. They do not want to improve themselves academically and are not delivering quality education,” Minister Fox asserted.With the observance of Education Month focusing on educating students as an obligation,Stitched Nike NFL Jerseys, it is the hope of the minister that there will be a notable all-round improvement in the delivery of education.

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