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發表於 2018-10-12 05:56:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Hundreds of persons reportedly told to relocate to make way for US$250M investment into a manganeseFormer PNCR Parliamentarian, Mervyn Williamsmining operation at Matthews Ridge, Region One, may suffer as a result, a former Parliamentarian says.Mervyn Williams, the former Shadow Minister of Agriculture for the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), has called for government to urgently relook at the agreement Guyana made with Reunion Manganese, a Canadian company.As a matter of fact, Williams is moving to write Parliamentarians to have the agreement brought before the National Assembly to be examined.Speaking with Kaieteur News on Monday, Williams who disclosed that he grew up in Matthews Ridge, said that scores of persons living at the once abandoned mine site were told last year that they will have to move to a new housing scheme to be established about 10 miles away.According to the former Parliamentarian, some of the persons were living in quarters at Matthews Ridge since the former company,Zapatillas Baratas Online Mujer, which has links to Reunion Manganese, left the area.“These persons started to live there after the former company left. I am not sure but surely these properties reverted back to Guyana after the company had left. The people would love to see what kind of arrangements were made that allowed for Guyanese to be displaced and sent miles back into the bush without clarity on where the basic amenities like electricity and water will be coming from?”Already, there are many changes in that Region One area with a post office building sold to another investor. The post office has since been relocated. “We have also learnt of the sale of the community centre. All this is happening while residents are unsure what next to do.”Part of the Matthews Ridge operations in Region One.In addition, reports that government may be moving to assist financially the mining company to maintain several roads which link Port Kaituma to Matthews Ridge may not be such a good idea.“I am not sure but how could government be assisting Reunion with monies to maintain roads in which they will be the principal user? And in a case where tolls may be charged?”Some of the residents living at Matthews Ridge are children of the former workers at Union Carbide which pulled out in the late 1960’s and was once a booming area.The three areas where residents are heavily concentrated in now are Heaven’s Hill, Hell’s Hill and the Pakera area.“The government wants these people to move to another area called Papaya. My understanding is that if you are moving people, there should be the basic amenities like water and access to work and other things. These are poor people. What are the plans?”Williams claimed that residents have already been blocked by the Canadian company from accessing “the yard” where water was available.

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