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發表於 2018-10-12 07:58:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two bandits are grateful that ranks from the Guyana Police Force turned up when they did, after they were chased down and caught by a group of angry residents from the East Coast Demerara village of Bee Hive, shortly after midday yesterday.The two bandits, who hail from the city, had earlier tied up and robbed an elderly cripple, Ramotar Amin,Asics Shoes Outlet, after they invaded his home and demanded cash and other valuables.So cocky were the bandits that they spent almost an hour on the premises, smoking the man’s cigarettes until they were interrupted by the man’s son, who came home unexpectedly and challenged them.In fact, Amin’s son put up a fierce fight when he realised that the gun one of the bandits was brandishing, had malfunctioned.This forced the men to flee hurriedly as residents responded to a call for help from the victims.However, the bandits’ desperate attempt to ward off their pursuers with the malfunctioning gun did not work and they were eventually surrounded, captured, and soundly beaten.Recounting the ordeal, the 59-year old Ramotar Amin, who shares the lot 404 Bee Hive home with his wife, a Bourda Market vendor, and his son, told Kaieteur News that he was alone at home when the bandits struck.According to Amin, he was lying on a mattress in his living room when he heard someone calling for his wife and daughter by their right names. Incidentally his daughter migrated last Sunday.Before he knew who it was, two strange men came through his door, one with a gun in his hand, and told him to remain quiet.“They ask me who deh home and I tell them is me alone. Ah tell dem I can’t move but one ah dem say ‘Shut you sk..t’ and dey tek tape and tape up me mouth. Dem tek de phone charger cable and tie me up,” the crippled Amin told this newspaper.The men then proceeded to ransack the home, grabbing as much as they could. “They tell me if I don’t say nothing, they all right,” Amin said.Eventually the bandits used the inner stairway to enter the bottom flat which they also ransacked.But just as they were doing so, Amin’s son drove up and was entering the house when he was confronted by the bandits.“One ah dem point he gun and it only click. So I start fuh fight dem,” Amin’s son told this newspaper.At the time, he was unaware that his father was tied up upstairs.After getting the upper hand of the bandits he ran out of the house and raised an alarm that alerted neighbours.“Everybody run out and catch dem in de pasture,” Amin stated.This newspaper was informed that the men tried to run to a waiting car but were cut off by workers from a popular construction company who were also alerted and who joined in the chase.Even the nearby trench did not save the fleeing bandits. They were hauled out and given a sound thrashing.But thanks to the passing police vehicle, they were spared a further beating.Police recovered a .38 revolver and three rounds along with $85,000 and an I-pod which the men had stolen during the robbery.The men also gave police wrong names and it was not until ranks from a city patrol unit arrived and recognised them as regulars that they were correctly identified.Residents believe that the men were working in collaboration with a female who was seen frequenting the area a few days ago.They are expected to be placed on identification parade before facing the court.

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