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By Ivan CairoPARAMARIBO, Suriname: President Donald Ramotar on Saturday called for geater unity among these developing countries.Adressing the 30th session of parliamentarians from Africa, Caribbean and Pacific nations (ACP), in neigboring Suriname,  Ramotar, a special guest at the meeting, told the audience that the ACP has to broaden its relationship with the European partners, “but we have to look at our own interest”.The Guyanese head of state also called for greater unity within the ACP Group. He noted that there are attempts to form the ACP into different political groups similar to the situation in the European parliament. “I think it will be a mistake for us to go in that direction”, the Guyanese leader said.According to Ramotar, the ACP nations have one thing in common that unites the member states as a group fighting for a better life for our peoples. “We must not allow ourselves to be divided  into different political blocks. As ACP we are a power and a force to be dealt with”, the Guyanese leader added.For the first time since its inception in 2005, the ACP Parliamentary Assembly has been addressed by Heads of State. While chairman of the ACP parliamentary meeting, Musikari Kombo, stressed the need for strengthening and deepening of regional integration, President Bouterse noted that “in the face of common challenges, unity and solidarity remain the key vehicles to overcome obstacles to our shared progress”.President Ramotar adressing parliamentarians at the ACP sessionAccording to President Bouterse, the ACP group finds itself at the crossroads. The Agenda for Change, formulated in 2011, has profound and immediate impact, he said. “Indeed there is reason to believe that the very existence of the Organization is in danger”, Bouterse stated.He argued that regional integration remains an important vehicle for the development of the ACP regions and countries, and called for new ways of cooperation.In his address, ACP’s Parliamentary President Kombo advised the government leaders to take the lead in improving governance,Air Max Pas Chere Femme, judicial and security systems. Special attention must be paid to the promoting of the rights of women, children and the elderly. There also must be zero tolerance for war, etnic division and corruption.

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