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發表於 2018-10-12 11:13:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Gavin Liverpool of Maxwell Alley,Cheap Air Max From China, Christianburg, Wismar, is at present lying in the Mackenzie Hospital crippled, as a result of an accident that occurred over a month ago on the Mackenzie/Wismar Bridge.To date, his employer, Courtney Benn Contracting Services, has reportedly not ‘lifted a finger or given him a dime to facilitate his recuperation, his wife said.According to Liverpool who cannot even feed himself,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, but has to be spoon-fed by relatives, since the accident, officials from the contracting firm only visited him once,Cheap Air Max 90 Wholesale, while he was in the Georgetown Public Hospital, and asked him whether he was okay.Gavin Liverpool“How can I be okay when I can’t do anything for meself? If wasn’t for me relatives I don’t know what woulda happen to me; I don’t know how these people could treat me so. Is over a year I work with dem- I was due for leave,Mens OFF WHITE x Air Jordan 1 Retro White/White AQ0818-100, I never get it, or the leave money. Now a deh here and they treating me like dirt, like nothing. I want the Ministry of Labour to do something about these people—this ain’t fair to me-I got a wife and three children. Who gon tek care of dem? Liverpool lamented.Liverpool further pointed out that it is very hard on his relatives who have to visit him thrice daily to take care of his needs. His wife, who resides in Georgetown,Camisetas Del Barcelona, is also prevented from visiting him as often as she should,Cheap Adidas Shoes Online China, because of the prohibitive cost of travelling to and from Linden. The man said that he is in dire need of some form of financial assistance and compensation.According to sources who witnessed the accident, Gavin Liverpool was struck on the head by a plank which had accidentally slipped from the boom of a dragline used by Courtney Benn to facilitate works on the Mackenzie/Wismar Bridge.Wallick Liverpool, the injured man’s uncle, said that he watched in dismay as a two by eight plank, measuring approximately 18 feet,Wholesale Air Max, slammed into his nephew’s head, knocking him to the ground, and rendering him unconscious for several minutes, on the Mackenzie/ Wismar Bridge.Efforts to obtain a comment from Courtney Benn Contracting Services proved futile.

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