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發表於 2018-10-12 12:08:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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It seems as though cases like Monica Reece, Trevor Rose, Alicia Foster, Luciana Bhagwandin, Trevor Julius Fung and Deborah Blackman might finally be solved with the formation of a cold case unit come 2017.At least by then investigators will finally have the time to sit back and review these cases and will be able to re-interview eyewitnesses without any disturbances.At a recent press conference, Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud said that the cold case unit which the society has been calling for will be established in 2017.Currently, investigators from the Force’s Major Crimes Unit are tasked with reviewing these cold cases but sometimes, their attention is shifted from these cases when current cases that need their expertise pop-up.A few months ago, senior police officials had indicated that they will be reopening cold cases such as Monica Reece and Trevor Rose, but no information has been provided since then.One police source said that some ranks were looking at the Sheema Mangar case when they were asked to intervene in the Black Bush Polder triple murder in July, last.From that case, the investigators were tasked with working on other cases including the murder of Berbice carpenter, Faiyaz Narinedatt in November, last.Due to the ranks constantly working on current cases, they have not gotten the time to look back at the Mangar case.Sheema Mangar was killed in September 2010 when she was run over by a car in which a man who had snatched her mobile phone was escaping.The police processed two cars that were suspected to have been involved in the matter and items found in the vehicles were submitted to the Forensic Laboratory for analysis by Crime Scene Investigators.On April 9,Cheap Air Max 2019 Sale, 1993, Monica Reece, a 19-year-old security guard became known to all Guyanese after her body was dumped from a speeding pickup vehicle in the vicinity of the Geddes Grant building (now Courts) on Main Street, Georgetown. It was Good Friday night.Trevor Rose was gunned down on January 26, 2014, while sitting in the back seat of a Toyota AT 212 with Latoya Towler, the mother of one of his children, at the Eccles Public Road, East Bank Demerara.During the execution-style killing of Rose, Towler was shot to the buttocks and the driver Troy Nieunkerk was shot in the left shoulder.Nieunkerk told investigators that he was heading home and offered Rose and Towler a drop to Eccles. While at Eccles, a tinted car, which was following the trio from Agricola, pulled up alongside Nieunkerk’s vehicle and asked why he was driving so recklessly.Kaieteur News was further told that the driver of the tinted car parked his vehicle in front of Nieunkerk’s car, exited and opened fire, killing Rose on the spot.

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