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發表於 2018-10-12 17:18:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Though residents in Kwakwani are thankful that heavy rainfall has ceased temporarily for the past two days, this does not change the current situation with respect to their immediate surroundings being under water, and the fact that the level is slowly rising despite the relenting skies.According to Carl Liverpool, a resident of the community, as the years progress the situation worsens, as more and more households are affected.He explained to Kaieteur News that before 2006, such rainfall was experienced every four years in that area, however, from 2007 to 2011, the precipitation has intensified, with the exception of 2009 when their was hardly any rainfall.“We witnessed the highest flood in 2008 and this year the water is just one (1) foot and four (4) inches lower than 2008. It may exceed the flood from 2008. Right now the water is about eight (8) feet high from the normal water level and getting higher,” said Liverpool.He stated that almost the entire Lamp Island has suffered as a result of the flooding, since it is evident that every yard in the area is covered with water. Most of the residents whose homes have become waterlogged have relocated to other homes in the “Park area” where there is no flooding.At the Water Front section,Cheap Wholesale Adidas Shoes, a majority of people living there are faced with difficulties since their houses have been invaded by the rising water. The playfields in both Lamp Island and Water Front are badly flooded as well.Kaieteur News understands that between Wednesday night and yesterday morning the water had risen about two more inches, while three days prior the water “rose rapidly” during the rainfall.Liverpool further explained that at the beginning of May, the water began to rise tremendously, but it wasn’t until the 27th when the accumulated water began to affect trucks and cars which would have to traverse the area on a regular basis.Due to the accumulation of water leading to serious flooding, the route for the passage of these vehicles had to be relocated to the “Crush Plant” section, where water has not affected any form of traffic to date.This newspaper understands that over 30 houses in Lamp Island and more than 20 homes in the Water Front area have been affected by flooding. Prices for commodities and food items have also increased since this situation began.

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