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發表於 2018-10-13 03:05:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Kero stove attack on postal employee…The woman who left postal employee Ayana Noble badly burned after throwing a lighted stove on her is to be charged with attempted murder.Police said that the suspect, who is an in-law of Noble’s, is to appear in court today.Kaieteur News understands that the victim is to be transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation Burns Care Unit.Noble, of One Mile, Wismar, Linden, sustained second and third degree burns on Tuesday after an in-law threw a lighted kerosene stove on her.She said that the vicious attack is the end result of years of abuse and harassment at the hands of people whom she never wronged.Both victim and suspect live in a tenement yard at One Mile, Wismar.Noble told Kaieteur News that she was heading to work when the in-law, who was heading towards her, said “watch where you going, and don’t enter me path.”“I say to her, this thing gone to another level now. You does torment me, and do all what you got to do to me. You gon meet me now on the road and want tell me all kinda thing?”Noble said that after she went in to work, she asked for a little time and stepped out of the office and made a complaint to the woman’s niece.“I told her I fed up with this, and gon put an end to it”.The woman added that she went home a little early on Thursday, and she confronted the woman, who lives in the same yard, and asked her, “Man, is wha I really do? I never pick up me bag and come here just like that. Is you nephew bring me here. What you really want from me? This nonsense ain’t gon done?”“At the time she was at the pipe. I don’t know what she was doing.”Noble said that her attacker subsequently went into her apartment and in the space of five minutes, appeared at her window with a lighted kerosene stove and said “move from me (expletive) door” and simultaneously threw the stove on her.Her clothes were quickly engulfed,Man Utd Kit 18/19, she added, and even after tearing them off there was still fire on her back.She was eventually saved from further injuries by her attacker’s niece who threw a sheet over her and extinguished the flames.Noble was taken to the Mackenzie Hospital by the niece.Her assailant, who is a security guard, was taken into custody.

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