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發表於 2018-10-14 00:30:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Almost four years ago at the age of 13, Ian Henry was arrested on suspicion of murder and remanded to the Juvenile Holding Centre at Sophia, Georgetown. Today at the age of 16,Asics Dynaflyte 2 Mens, he remains an inmate there still awaiting a court hearing to ascertain his fate.This state of affairs is one that has become very worrying for his paternal grandmother, Joycelyn Henry, who resides at Baramita in the North West District.The woman during an interview with this publication yesterday disclosed that while her grandson is taken to the Matthew’s Ridge Magistrate’s Court every three months for a hearing, the absence of a prosecutor has caused the process to be constantly deferred. According to her, in February when the matter was called she was hopeful that a preliminary inquiry would have materialised, but the end result was again disheartening.The purpose of a preliminary inquiry, commonly referred to as a PI, is conducted to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to allow for a matter to be taken to trial.Joycelyn Henry is however suspicious that ranks who investigated the case might not have garnered incriminating evidence against her grandson.Recounting the situation that led to her grandson’s arrest, the woman disclosed that based on reports he (Ian Henry) along with a 19-year-old cousin and other individuals might have been imbibing alcohol when a fight broke out.Ian Henry, who, according to Joycelyn Henry, sustained two stab wounds to the region of his chest, claimed he was unaware of how he sustained his injuries and seemed even more oblivious to what happened to his now dead cousin.“He said he remembered running and that some ‘double banking’ take place, but he said he didn’t remember exactly what happened,” said the woman of her grandson.However, police arrested him on suspicion of murdering his cousin, the elder woman said. According to the woman, reports suggest that either because he was intoxicated or because of his physical injuries, her grandson had lost consciousness. His limp body was found near the corpse of his cousin the following day, by which time the matter had gained the attention of police in the North West District who arrested him.While Joycelyn Henry believes that justice should be served, she is adamant that no child should be left confined to a facility such as the Juvenile Centre for such a prolonged period. “What if they investigate and find that he didn’t do it?” the woman asked, as she expressed concern that her grandson’s future could very well be in jeopardy.In fact she has called to attention the possibility that other youths could be in the same predicament as her grandson.The Juvenile Holding Centre was officially opened in April 2011 as a facility to detain juvenile offenders.Under the former ruling administration it was decided that as a matter of policy, youths aged 10 and older, but under the age of 17, who have come into conflict with the law, would not be detained in the same environment with adult offenders.While it was not expected to serve as a substitute for the home environment, it was being touted as a facility that could provide needed care and attention for the young offenders.

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