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發表於 2018-10-14 17:00:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An official within the Peoples National Congress Reform says that the Dr. Richard Van-West Charles’ faction seeking to challenge the leadership of the party is now resorting to erroneous media attacks given that it is failing to resuscitate defunct groups that did not retain memberships.According to the official, who chose to speak under the guise of anonymity, the PNCR was willing to facilitate the registration of any group regardless of which faction it supports.The official added that there are in excess of 1200 registration forms currently at the regional offices for distribution and the officers have been issued with instructions that when their stockpile reaches a hundred,Adidas Yeezy Shop Online Italia, the can request more.The official noted that in order to register the groups, they have to be verified as existing and this has been a hurdle. In most cases persons are requesting forms for groups they represent and these appear to be phantoms.This being the case the Van-West Charles camp is now resorting to media attacks.This newspaper had reported that another PNCR official, who is in support of Dr. Richard Van-West Charles’ challenge, claims that there appears to be attempts to manipulate the process of electing the party leader.Election of the party leader will be the high point of the congress scheduled for August,NBA Jerseys From China, and while many are expecting an adherence to the democratic process,Wholesale Adidas Shoes China, some members seen to be supporting candidates who are challenging the incumbent leader Robert Corbin, are leveling allegations of unfair tactics.The members are claiming that already there is unfair distribution of membership forms.They are reportedly fearful that this year’s party congress could see a repeat of the fiasco that obtained at the last party congress when the membership soared from 5,000 to unprecedented 23,Discount Adidas Shoes Australia,000-registered members.On that occasion it was charged by members of a group headed by Vincent Alexander, who had challenged for the party leadership,Cheap Man City Jersey, that there was a manipulation of the process.But a senior party official dismissed the allegations, explaining that the system set up to deal with the matter is what is being enforced.According to a party member, previously the distribution of membership forms was done at the party headquarters, Congress Place,Nike NFL Jerseys For Sale, Sophia.However,Nike Air Force 1 Uomo, party coordinators were informed that the Regional Chairmen in the various Regions would now distribute the forms.One PNCR member told this newspaper that upon approaching the PNCR regional officials in Region Four, members are questioned about whom they are supporting before they are given the forms.This, the Congress Place official, staunchly denied. He described it as a blatant lie given that they are only asked to state the group the persons requesting the forms are representing. Renewal of party membership concludes on May 31, and as such the congress place official is saying that in order to avoid controversy the party was willing to issue more forms than the initial stipulated amount but the requests keep coming and the groups are seemingly non-existent.It is not to clear if party leader Robert Corbin who is recovering from a brief illness will be seeking re-election.Long time party member and former Minister of Health, Dr. Richard Van West Charles, has already announced that he will be seeking the party’s mandate to become leader.There is talk too that Aubrey Armstrong will also be throwing his hat in the ring.

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