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發表於 2018-10-14 23:22:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A retreat for top regional officials is set for the coming weekend and high on the agenda will be the findings of the Auditor General Report.  At least this is according to Minister with responsibility for the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud.This move comes even as the Ministry seeks to implement some of its major activities for this year, said the Minister as he addressed a press conference on Friday.“While we have maintained our focus on those routine activities we will be rolling out on the weekend of March 15, 16 and 17 a retreat where our Regional Executive Officers and Deputy Regional Executive Officers will meet.”The officials, according to him, will sit together seeking to address a number of issues and develop policy initiatives which will then be shared with Central Government in hopes of having it buy-in and approve same, said Persaud.“We at the Ministry feel that this activity is necessary and timely…we haven’t had a retreat with these key officials in the regional system for some time now, although we meet on a monthly basis with our Regional Executive Officers and on a quarterly basis with the Regional and Deputy Regional Executive Officers.”The retreat will zero-in on the Auditor General Reports over the years and seek to ascertain why some of the findings are repeated year after year and “how we as a Ministry and a team of accounting officers can best handle the prevailing circumstances to avoid these findings to be a permanent part of our operations.”Attempts will also be made at the retreat to examine the five regional programmes inclusive of Regional Administration, Regional Health Services, Regional Education Services, Public Works Services Administration as well as Agricultural Services, wherever they exist.According to Minister Persaud, “we have analysed the viability of these programmes and will seek to determine how we can strengthen the delivery of these services.”In addition, moves will be directed to some of the immediate areas that require Central Government and the Ministry’s intervention and “ultimately we will pursue the issue of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness across the 10 Regional Administrations.”The planned retreat is proposed to be held in Region Number Six and “we are hopeful that the President (Donald Ramotar) will be able to interface and interact with our officers,” said Persaud,Cheap Nike NBA Jerseys, who related that Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, is expected to make a presentation and engage the gathering.Head of the administration’s Governance arm, Ms Gail Teixeira, is also expected to engage the officials, and according to Persaud “we are hoping that other ministers of Government, particularly those who have programmes in the Regions, will be able to also make contributions during this retreat.”

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