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發表於 2018-10-15 08:58:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Several businessmen in the local used tyre industry have formed an association. They have also started a petition opposing the government’s move to restrict the importation of used tyres into the country.President of the Guyana Used Tyres Association (GUTA), Allan Newark (second from left), along with other committee members, displaying the signatures of petitioners.The move on the part of the government was applauded by some who see it as a contributing factor in keeping with safety and health regulations and most importantly,Authentic NBA Jerseys Cheap, avoid Guyana from becoming a “dumping ground”.Indeed, this particular issue has paved the way for much debate since there are a few persons and organisations that think Guyana is not ready for this move, also, the worry of motorists not being able to afford new tyres.President of the Guyana Used Tyres Association (GUTA), Allan Newark, said Thursday that with the recent developments as it relates to used tyres over the past few months, the association was needed.He continued that the association, with its approximately 30 members, has begun to spread out throughout the country gathering signatures from motorists as well as tyre dealers.Newark said that the survival of the used tyre industry in Guyana is vital since it currently provides jobs for more than 5000 workers, and while there have been comments about health-related issues deriving from used tyres; he firmly stated that used tyres do not cause accidents but reckless drivers do.Newark stated that the association had managed to achieve thus far, 896 signatures and by this weekend, they aim to achieve 1000. With this petition, the association plans to present it to parliament “with people who are in favour of the Government not banning used tyres,”Newark shot down the possibility of a notion that the public might see the association having a political agenda. He said that he has never been affiliated with any political party and the actions of the association are on behalf of the people of Guyana who are unsupportive of the restriction.In addition, the GUTA plans to engage the Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, sometime next week where they will share their views on the issue.Minister Jordan, during the presentation of the $230B National Budget on January last, revealed the Government’s plans to ban used tires while reducing the tax on new ones.

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