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發表於 2018-10-15 11:00:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Leonard GildariePlanning to build a new home will ultimately include ideas of how to save on costs.And there are a variety of ways to do so. Cutting on transportation costs and shopping smart will be two of the more obvious options. But there are other ways to also save.I remember back in the mid-2000s while helping to rebuild our family home, some stupid decisions were made.My family was living overseas and they gave me the impossible task of taking down the wooden home and building another. I wish now that I could do it all over again.That wooden home was a greenheart lover’s dream. The rafters were all in excellent condition and beams perfect. The ends may have needed to be taken off, but they were good otherwise.While some of the wood taken from the home was reused, the rest was given away and even sold for peanuts.I was looking to make space at the worksite and the best, dumb idea I had was to give away.Now, there are many folks who are taking down a home to rebuild another. Had I known then what I know now, I would have made some real money. The way those people were grabbing up those odds and ends was unbelievable.Talk to your contractor on what can be reused. The zinc on the old home can be used to build a camp to house materials and for the work crew. The rubble or concrete could be utilised for filling the foundation.More importantly, if enough care is taken when dismantling the old home, many of the materials can be reused in place of ‘t-shore’ support,Cheap Authentic Soccer Jerseys, to help in concrete forms or even used as framing of the roof and doorframes.In light of the current high prices for materials, especially wood, savings are crucial, especially if you are working on a tight budget.When shopping, considerations should be taken on transportation. I do believe there are many for the sake of saving a few thousands, who end up shopping at a number of stores, but use that savings and more in transportation.Think about it. If you have the money in hand, it may be a good idea to make one shopping – use one truck and take it to the worksite. Of course, there will be worry that your contractor may steal from you.It will be a judgment call. Either think of paying a watchman or there should be enough trust in your contractor to charge him with ensuring your materials are safe.One of my friends from the city is taking down his old home and rebuilding another one. Because of space constraints, he will have to live elsewhere until the home is completed.I warned him of wasting materials from the old home where the concrete block walls would be ideal to fill the yard and raise it to reasonable height.I was asked to also comment on the many poor quality building materials around. It is an issue that I can speak with some authority on.Ever used a nail and saw it bending with one pound of the hammer? It does not necessarily mean that it is the wrong nail being used. In all likelihood, it could be that nail is of poor quality.There are many such items on the market. From cement to zinc sheets to door locks, lighting fixtures and electrical outlets.How do you determine what to choose? In most cases, your contractor would have a fair idea on what is the good stuff to buy. If you are thinking the way I think now, it is better to spend a few dollars now on that door lock rather than buy a cheaper one and see it go bad in a few months.I have seven doors in the home and four locks are no good after a few months. It is a maddening thing. At least $15,000 was spent on that.The points mentioned above are all in line with our recurring theme throughout this series of planning properly. It will save you. Plan your work in stages and budget accordingly.One of the biggest problems with contractors is the fact that they have forgotten to tell you to order two more pieces of 2 x 4 or need five more roofing sheets. These all add up and have an alarming way of making you run out of money before you are 75% complete.Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to your contractor for these cost overruns.I am sincerely hoping that sooner rather than later, contractors will be given intense training on new building methods and how to prepare estimates.Enjoy your weekend and keep those emails coming at [email protected] or call us at Kaieteur News at 225-8491.

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