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Nike Schuhe Neu Damen pa15uthx









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發表於 2018-10-15 20:55:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The female riot unit of the Guyana Police Force is taking shape with training ongoing every Friday at Police Headquarters,Maillot Psg 2018/19, Eve Leary.The unit, which is the brainchild of Commissioner Henry Greene, is made up of about 20 ranks headed by an Assistant Superintendent, and who were drawn from the various departments at Police Headquarters.While training commenced only three weeks ago, the unit is expected to be ready for next month’s General and Regional Elections.Apart from physical training, the unit is being prepared to deal with crowd control and crowd estimates among other basics.One setback, though, is that although the unit is headed by an officer the next level of rank is a Corporal. Lance Corporals and Constables make up the remainder.Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee is convinced that Guyana’s security in the run up to general elections next month is in safe hands.The Minister gave the assurance at the recently held one-day seminar which was jointly hosted by the Guyana Association of Private Security Organization (GAPSO) and the Guyana police force at Le Meridien Pegasus.According to Rohee, he has been faced with queries from several quarters about the security arrangements at this critical period and he has responded with optimism based on the assurances given by heads of the local law enforcement agencies.He said that based on intelligence and regular reports as well as consultations with key stakeholders in the security sector, he has assured that all that is required to be in place, is in place in order to have a peaceful and undisturbed General Election.The Minister said that Guyanese can all rest assured that the country has moved a far way from historical problems which marred previous elections.“The Minister of Home Affairs in Guyana is not worried. The Minister of Home Affairs of Guyana doesn’t go to bed feeling that trouble is brewing.”He said that should there not be adequate security assurances, one can understand the extent to which businesses will be concerned.

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