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The deadline for the addition of three more engines to meet Guyana’s growing power demands has been pushed back even further.The US$26M project to install the 26 megawatt generators at Vreed-en-Hoop,Cheap Mens Adidas Basketball Shoes, West Bank Demerara, will not be completed before the end of July,Cheap Shoes Australia Mens, the state-owned Guyana Power and Light (GPL) said yesterday.GPL has announced a major program to upgrade several of its Wartsila generators this year.The new power plant had initially been set for commissioning late last year,Man Utd 3rd Kit 18/19, but was pushed back to April.The project also includes the construction of a wharf to allow the docking of fuel boats and the running of fuel pipes to the plant.The Wartsila-made engines arrived in September but could not be transported across the Demerara Harbour Bridge because of its weight. It had to be taken from the Georgetown port to Parika,Cheap Nike Shoes Online, from where special trucks that were brought in, transported it along the roadway to Vreed-en-Hoop.The three 8.6 megawatt engines will be the    largest of the lot currently being operated by GPL countrywide.The project has been a difficult one for GPL because of the type of land at Vreed-en-Hoop.Almost 800 piles have to be driven for the foundation of the plant. A $242M contract to BK International has been awarded for the fuel wharf.When commissioned in late July, the 26-megawatt engines are expected to boost GPL’s firm capacity to 106 megawatts. The extra power,Basket Adidas Pas Cher Destockage, which GPL is glad for, will also benefit Berbice when a power cable across the Berbice River is installed sometime in the near future.Guyana is struggling to meet increasing demand for power as new housing schemes and business continue to grow.Meanwhile, GPL yesterday said that it has scheduled major overhauls for 11 of the 13Wartsila operated and maintained units. Seven of these overhauls are set to be done before the end of July when the new Vreed-en-Hoop engines are expected to be up and running.According to GPL,Adidas Factory Outlet Online Store, the overhauls are carried out in keeping with manufacturers’ recommendations and are expected to last for 10 days each.“They also form part of GPL’s rigid maintenance program aimed at ensuring efficient and reliable power generation. Overhauls are executed to ensure that all engines are in proper working condition to facilitate a reliable supply of electricity to our valued customers and to mitigate any potential risk(s) that may result from lack of maintenance.”Government has been banking on the 165-megawatts, almost US$900M Amaila Falls hydro project to help solve Guyana’s dependence of fossil fuel power. However, the project suffered after the US developer pulled out,Basket Adidas Femme Pas Cher Chine, following the Opposition’s votes against two critical pieces of legislation.The Vreed-en-Hoop project was said to be the last major investment of its kind before Amaila. That is likely to change now with Amaila nowhere on the horizon at this time and amidst a growing demand.

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