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The Clean-Up My Country Programme which commenced in July 2014 and implemented by the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development (MLGRD), is nearing completion. Four communities that are currently undergoing cleaning in Georgetown and Linden, will commence general community clean-up by the end of January.Initially, the Clean-Up My Country Programme was scheduled to be wrapped by December 31, 2014. However, the month of December saw a peak in the number of community clean-up still ongoing and late submissions of proposals for communities to be cleaned.Under the Georgetown aspect of the Clean-Up My Country Programme, 63  communities from Agricola to AtlanticVille were engaged in community clean-up activities; a total of 75 groups signed on to the Capital City cleanup project which  saw 2,239 Community Enhancement Workers employed for the massive clean-up programme.According to  Mr. Collin Croal, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government “due to the size of communities such as Albouystown, Meadow Brook Gardens, Alberttown, North East La Penitence, Kitty, Tucville, (Phase 1 & 2), South and North Cummingsburg, those areas were divided into phases which resulted in multiple contracts been signed for community clean-up”. On the other hand, the majority of communities which submitted proposals for community clean-up signed one contract each.To wrap up the Clean-Up My Country Programme, communities in Georgetown where there are critical issues of residents dumping garbage in public spaces and in water ways will be provided with residential garbage receptacles and bags, with the aim of encouraging persons to dispose of their garbage in a more responsible manner.  In addition, skip metal bins will be distributed to the Georgetown Municipal Markets to assist with the maintenance of healthy sanitation and to encourage proper garbage disposal.Under the Regional aspect, Regions No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 already benefited from the Regional Clean-Up Programme which gave residents the opportunity to get rid of their bulk waste. Region No. 10 (Linden) will experience similar benefits from the community clean-up and sanitation improvement programme by the end of January, 2014.  Community Clean-up activities for Region. No 1 (Mabaruma Port Kaituma, Matthews Ridge) and 8 (Mahdia) are being finalised.To assist in the Ministry’s Regional Solid Waste Programme, Regions No. 1, 5, & 6 benefited from constructions of access roads,Cheap Nike NBA Jerseys, while Region No. 9 will benefit from construction of a fence around the landfill site which is now awarded through Regional Tender Board.Moreover, 45 tractors and trailers will be handed over to various NDCs to aid in community maintenance work and to assist in maintaining the aesthetics of public spaces across the regions, while, mini excavators will be handed over to the RDCs of Regions 1, 7, 8, 9, and 10 with the expectation that they will be deployed within the Regions wherever the needs arise with a priority being their respective NDCs.Metal bins will be distributed to specific locations within the NDCs in an effort to address the issue of indiscriminate dumping of waste. In 2014, 11 standard fogging machines were handed over to each Regional Democratic Council along with the Georgetown Municipality to aid in their Fogging programme to help eradicate mosquito borne diseases.

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