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發表於 2018-11-1 00:42:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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After being on remand for almost one year, a Surinamese mother of two decided to plead guilty to a narcoticsJAILED: Damario Chesliecharge and was jailed for three years.When her matter was called, yesterday, in the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court, Damario Cheslie informed Magistrate Zamilla Ally-Seepaul of her decision and offered an explanation to the court.The 21-year-old woman admitted that on May 17, 2015, she had 526 grams of cocaine in her possession for the purpose of trafficking. She had initially pleaded not guilty to the allegation when she first appeared before City Magistrate Fabayo Azore in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on May 22, last.Cheslie begged Magistrate Ally-Seepaul for forgiveness and to exercise discretion.  She said that she was a single mother of two and was at the time trying to accumulate money to support her children who are currently in Suriname.Cheslie explained that she has no family in Guyana and was desperately trying to get home to her children before they were taken away by relevant authorities in her homeland.Magistrate Ally-Seepaul after considering that it was the woman’s first offence and that she pleaded guilty, sentenced her to three years’ imprisonment- the minimum jail term for such offences by law. Cheslie was also ordered to pay a fine of $30,Cheap Basketball Jerseys China,000 with an alternative of a further six months in jail.Police Lance Corporal David Goodridge presented the prosecution’s case.According to court facts, Cheslie was busted with the cocaine on May 17, 2015 at the Ogle International Airport. She was at the time an outgoing passenger on a LIAT flight destined for Barbados. She was intercepted by police before boarding her flight and searched.It was discovered that the woman had a parcel concealed inside a condom in her vagina.When questioned by officers Cheslie admitted that she had swallowed 42 pellets containing cocaine and was later taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).It was at the hospital that she excreted the pellets containing the illicit substance. The parcel concealed in her vagina revealed more cocaine.

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