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..until gasoline is above a $1000, then there will be talks of an increase With various minibus routes feeling the squeeze of the higher gasoline prices, minibus operators who have increased their fares for the Berbice route are being advised not to; this is according to Manniram Prashad,Basket Adidas Femme Pas Cher Chine, Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce.The Minister was speaking at a recent press conference at his South Road office, in Georgetown following reports regarding some minibus operators increasing their fares in Berbice, especially in the Black Bush Polder area.While the demand will adversely affect commuters,Wholesale Jerseys, some passengers who solely depend on the service are hoping that a solution could be reached in favour of the minibus operators, since “if they continue the strike is we who will suffer.”Prashad said that he was informed by Chairman for Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne),Cheap Jerseys Authentic, Mr. Zulfikar Mustapha and other concerned residents that some minibus owners in Berbice, particularly those in the Black Bush Polder area,China Jerseys Cheap, have increased their fares.“And it is alleged that they have done so with our permission – that is not so,” he refuted,Jerseys From China, reiterating that his Ministry has not sanctioned any increase nor held any discussions in this regard.“I want to alert the public that do not pay any increase in fares in Berbice,NFL Jerseys China, especially the Black Bush polder area.” Prashad saidPrashad also appealed to minibus owners not to increase the fares of minibus especially since the price of gasoline remains below $1,000.“…because that is arrangement we have – until it goes above a $1000,Nike Air Max Halvalla, then we would look at an increase. So far most of the minibus owners throughout the country are in compliance with that, but there are a few that unilaterally do this so we are asking them to desist from this,” he urged.He reminded that the government had adjusted the excise tax on fuel products to ensure that the price of gasoline does not exceed a $1000.Only recently did the administration take steps to reduce the excise tax on diesel from 20 to 15 percent, as a result of upward movement in the world market price for oil and in particular, as a result of increases observed in the price at which diesel is being procured from external suppliers.Minister Prashad assured that his Ministry continues to monitor the situation carefully.The government recently announced a reduction of the consumption tax on diesel, but not for gasoline.

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