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發表於 2018-11-13 02:52:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Members of the New Jersey Arya Samaj Humanitarian Mission (NJASHM) on Saturday visited the five- year- old rape victim in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the New Amsterdam Hospital. The child was molested on Friday after she was abducted out of her bed,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, wrapped in a sheet and taken into the bushes on the bank of the Canje River.When Kaieteur News and the NJASHM,Jerseys Wholesale, headed by Pandit Suresh Sugrim and his wife and daughter, visited on Saturday,Cheap Jerseys From China, the child, showing signs of still being traumatized,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, ran and hid behind the drapes that separated the beds in the ICU.The nurses revealed that the trauma would come and go and that that would be the behaviour she usually displayed since she was admitted to the hospital.The gifts included a life-sized teddy bear and a Barney bear. Several pieces of clothing were handed over to the nurses in charge of the ICU. The little child immediately clutched the Barney toy and remained hidden out of plain sight. It was a touching and sad moment.Pandit Sugrim later said that it is a sad state of affairs. “I do hope and pray for justice for this child. I hope that the Laws of Guyana condemn the criminal and that God uses His justice to this child and her family. I can’t find words to describe the human being who would rape a five- year-old girl for his sexual desire and his pleasure.”He said that the child does not want to see men around her, which caused him and others leaving the ICU room. The toys and clothing then had to be handed over by his wife and daughter. “God Himself may instill justice and the law of Guyana will instill justice to this child”. Sugrim noted that he will not let this one [the matter] go down so easily in Guyana.“Too many children have been the victims of these human beasts”, he noted. He urged the police and other agencies to work assiduously to fund the perpetrator of this horrible and perverted crime.According to a source the mother, who had stepped out, returned home some time before midnight. She noticed that her daughter was not in her bed and that her son’s blanket was missing.  The woman frantically started to search and to call out for her daughter.She was joined by others as they ventured out into the dark. Their frantic search and call led them into the bushes of the river dam. They were subsequently told by a man that he had heard a child crying. Following the direction given and calling out loudly,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic, the child eventually answered. It however took them some time to pierce the bushes to find where the child was.When she was found, she was in blood and there were signs that the perpetrator had just escaped.  The child collapsed and the police were subsequently informed and escorted the child along with relatives to the New Amsterdam hospital. She was immediately taken to the Intensive Care Unit.The child,Real Madrid Tienda Outlet, when questioned said that ‘Jumbie’ took her into the bush,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, indicating that the culprit was wearing a mask. She however described the clothing the culprit was wearingMeanwhile, sources have revealed to Kaieteur News that the perpetrator is still walking free and nobody is currently in custody. Other sources have told this newspaper that the police are looking at charging the mother, since it has appeared that she regularly leaves the child unattended at home.Photo in Sunday as special giftsCaption: Members of the Mission hand over the teddy bear and clothing to nurse in charge of the ICU, Ms Alicia Trellis. Looking on is Supervisor of the nurses, Mrs Olga Kendell. Hidden with her Barney bear (on the left hand side) is the traumatised poor little girl.

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