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[IQ題] Air Max Pas Cher France who didn't play at all in the NFL last season









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發表於 2018-11-17 14:53:03 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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"I'm going to tell you all like I tell everyone, I'm going to prepare the same every single week," McGrath said,Arsenal Fc New Kit 18/19, "whether I'm going to be out there a lot or I'm not."
"This is an injury people get better from," Chiefs trainer Rick Burkholder said. "He's a young guy. He's got a good,Cheap Jerseys From China, healthy knee. We protected him so he didn't do any additional damage. That gives him the best chance to come back and have a good, long career."
McGrath has filled in admirably, though. He has 15 catches for 180 yards and a touchdown.
Outside linebacker Justin Houston is probable after undergoing evaluations all week for a possible concussion,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale. He was a full participant in practice Friday but will be examined again before the game.
The Chiefs have had to turn to Sean McGrath, whom they picked up off waivers from Seattle just before the start of the season, and Kevin Brock, who didn't play at all in the NFL last season, just so that they could have two tight ends available for their regular-season games.
The elevated defensive back Bradley McDougald from the practice squad to fill his roster spot.
Tony Moeaki fractured his shoulder during the preseason and will be unavailable all year,Cheap Liverpool Shirts 18/19, and top tight end Anthony Fasano is still listed as doubtful for the Raiders with a sprained ankle.
"It kind of got out of control in a couple of preseason games,Camiseta Real Madrid 2018 Barata," Kelce said recently. "It just comes from doing a lot of work, a lot of loading on the leg. I've never dealt with this before, so it's all new to me. It's frustrating."
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Kansas City Chiefs placed rookie tight end Travis Kelce on injured reserve Saturday after he had arthroscopic surgery earlier in the week to repair damaged cartilage in his left knee.
Kelce,Camiseta Atletico De Madrid Barata, a third-round draft pick out, played sparingly in the preseason and had played in a regular-season game. He had already been ruled out for Sunday's game against Oakland.
Kelce had been dealing with what the Chiefs thought was a bruised bone in his knee since training camp. He underwent a series of MRI exams that kept coming back negative, so he opted to have surgery on Tuesday that revealed the damage to his cartilage.
In other injury news, free safety Kendrick Lewis is listed as questionable against Oakland with a lingering ankle injury, and Brandon Flowers is also questionable with a knee injury that popped up late in the week. Flowers dealt with an injury to his other knee earlier in the season.
It's also frustrating for the Chiefs, who have been banged up at tight end.

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