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For a number of years,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, cases that involve violence against women have been on the rise globally, with more and more organizations and institutions lobbying against this form of abuse.During last year, a number of cases where brought to the courtrooms where perpetrators were dealt with accordingly.In September, 22-year-old Trishawarie Ramdharie,Maglia Juventus Vendita, of Cornelia Ida,Tottenham Hotspur Jersey Sale, West Coast Demerara, was stabbed nine times by her estranged husband.Ramdharie’s estranged husband and his sister faced the courts and were charged with attempted murder.The stabbing took place around 11:00hrs at the home of a relative of Ramdharie’s at Enterprise, East Coast Demerara.At Vigilance Magistrate’s Court, he was granted bail in the sum of $300,000 by Magistrate Haymant Ramdhani.Wife abuser heads to jail againIn October 2010, another wife abuser went to jail again, this time because he was found guilty of unlawfully and maliciously wounding his reputed wife. Forty-seven-year-old Royston Darlinton was sentenced to six months in jail by Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo after he told his reputed wife, Cherily Holder, “You mek me go to jail fo 22 days so I gan kill you.”He beat her after serving prison time for domestic abuse.On November 5, last,Cheap Authentic Soccer Jerseys, at the Providence Magistrate’s Court, forty-two year old Selvin Richardson appeared before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell to face the charge of unlawfully assaulting his reputed wife,Stitched Atlanta Falcons Jerseys, Grace Langford, at her residence located at Supply Village, East Bank Demerara (EBD).Magistrate Lovell placed Richardson on bail in the sum of $25,000 with a condition that he should not visit Langford’s home.On November 22, last, (Ag) Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry remanded Leroy Monroe who was charged with the offences of unlawful assault and threatening language.The accused, who was unrepresented, pleaded not guilty to both charges.The court was told that on November 17, the defendant who lived with Alexis Monroe dealt her several cuffs to her face at their residence located at lot 50 Barima Avenue, Bel Air Park.It is alleged that on the same day the defendant threatened to kill his wife, if she attempted to contact the police.Monroe however managed to visit the police station where the matter was reported.That same month, as Guyana observed global International Day for Elimination of ‘Violence Against Women’ two men found themselves in front of (ag) Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry and were each charged with the offence of allegedly assaulting their wives.The first accused Royston Thompson, pleaded not guilty to the offence of assault, assault causing actually bodily harm and use of threatening language.Marvin Hutson was charged with the offence of assault. He pleaded not guilty.It is alleged that on November 23, the defendant approached Tracy Hutson, who was walking along Croal Street,Wholesale Jerseys China, Georgetown and dealt her several slaps to her face and demanded that she move back into his home.He was eventually sentenced to spend one month in the camp street jail by Magistrate Beharry.On November 30, last, Ramnarine John of 225 Craig Village, East Bank Demerara (EBD), appeared before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell at the Providence Magistrate Court to answer to the charge of unlawful wounding.It is alleged that on November 27, 2010, Ramnarine unlawfully and maliciously assaulted Michelle Paul at her residence at Providence,Cheap MLB Jerseys Free Shipping, EBD.Michelle Paul told the court that she and the defendant were involved with each other for seven years and that on many occasions he would “beat her”. In the past she suffered from a sprained ankle, black and blue eyes and a broken nose.Numerous cases have been heard in the courts across the country and it seems that as more campaigning is done, the cases of abuse are not being lessened.

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