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Brazilians living in Guyana, who were the subject of a merciless beating by local police ranks two Saturdays ago,NFL Jerseys From China, are slated to meet with the Brazilian Ambassador today.From left: Errol Prince, Varnverona Prince, Ranaldo Prince and Larenzo Prince,Cheap Nike Air Max Wholesale, in the background is Otilla PereiraKaieteur News was made to understand that, in light, of no apparent justice being served,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Brazilian authorities intend to take the matter up with the Guyana government.Two Saturdays ago, photos and video footage began surfacing with police ranks beating persons in the Marudi trail.The persons, all civilians, are part of a group of miners who are protesting what they are calling their unlawful removal from a mining claim that is registered to a Canadian mining concern, Romanex Guyana Explorations Limited.The police ranks were accompanied by officials from the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) to clear several the “illegal” miners from the Marudi mining district.About 300 local miners have been operating approximately 22 dredges in the area for the past 10 years when the Canadian firm appeared to have neglected it.Victims of the police brutality included a Brazilian woman Varverona Prince, 43 and her 10- year-old son Ranaldo PrinceEven though video footage shows persons trying to shield the two from the brunt of the licks dished out by police ranks,Cheap Air Max 90 Online, the lad still suffered injuries and was taken to the Aishalton Hospital.At that location, young Prince was examined by a medex and was transferred to the Lethem Hospital where he was seen by a medical professional.The lad’s left leg is currently in cast and his family was advised that he sustained a “severe” fracture.Brumell’s “investigation”The immediate Sunday after the civilians were brutalized, the story was featured in this newspaper and on that day calls were made to the acting top cop,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Leroy Brumell,Cheap MLB Jerseys Free Shipping, who had expressed anger and promised a full investigation and the ranks would have been brought to justice.“I have ordered the Commander of F Division to conduct an inquiry. I want a proper investigation. I can’t let that go down the drain…We know who the ranks are. They are coming out tomorrow (which would have been last week Monday). I told the Commander that I want an investigation and that we will take action, I can assure you,” the Top Cop had stated.Brumell had claimed that he was particularly concerned about reports that a child was among those assaulted.However,China Jerseys Cheap, this newspaper understands that the ranks involved in the beating are still at that location “operating as usual.”The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment had also signaled that their entity would do its own investigation. But information on how that is coming along hasn’t surfaced as yet.

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