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發表於 2017-1-13 05:10:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The caution statement that police obtained from murder accused,Brandon Dubinsky Jersey, Shakir Mohamed, was yesterday admitted into evidence before the court.Mohamed, of Lot 127 Latchuni Street, Better Hope,Valeri Nichushkin Jersey, East Coast Demerara, and (ECD) is on trial for the murder of Shewraney Doobay, before Justice Brassington Reynolds at the High Court in Georgetown.The battered body of Shewraney Doobay, the wife of prominent doctor, Ramsundar Doobay, was discovered lying in a pool of blood in the kitchen of her Echilibar Villas, Campbellville residence.The incident reportedly stemmed from a dispute over a piece of property. Subsequent to police investigations, Mohamed and the dead woman’s nephew, Mark Singh, were charged for the murder.It is alleged that Singh was the main player in the crime while Mohamed played a role in cushioning the act.Singh, of Prince William Street, Plaisance, is now deceased.  It was reported that Singh took ill while at the Camp Street Prison. He was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, (GPHC) and later succumbed to acute asthma.Yesterday, the Caution Statement,Alexander Steen Jersey, (CS) procured from the number two accused,Scott Gomez Jersey, (Mohamed) was admitted into evidence. The statement detailing the events which led to the murder was read aloud to the court by Assistant Superintendent of Police, Joel David.The policeman said that Mohamed told investigating ranks that two weeks before the murder, his friend, Mark told him that he had issues with his aunt over rates and taxes and that he had plans to kill her.According to the statement, which David read, the accused recalled that it was a Tuesday that  Singh told him that he wanted a drop to his aunt’s to pay her some money.“I drop him off. He had a hammer wrapped up in a plastic bag.” He told investigators that he accompanied his friend to his aunt’s house at Echilibar Villas,Jon Casey Jersey, Campbellville.While there,Denis Savard Jersey, ASP David said that the accused recounted that they had told Singh’s aunt that they were hungry. The officer said that Mohamed related that the woman told them that she had not finished cooking, but she made them sandwich and drink and even gave them an extra sandwich to take for another workmate.According to the statement, Mohamed had informed the investigators that as they were about to leave the “aunt’s” sister called from England.  He recounted that as they were leaving the house,Joe Mullen Jersey, he was walking in front and Singh was behind. “He (Mark) tek the hammer in the plastic bag and lash she (the aunt) wan good set a lash to she mole and the base ah she head. She scream and I ease her to the ground in the kitchen.”The accused is said to have told police that the woman was still moving but her nephew “give she one more lash in she head and she stop moving.”He told police that Mark subsequently left him with his motionless aunt in the kitchen and went to the back of the house.Mohamed had told police that Singh returned sometime later with a bag— he had no knowledge of the contents of the bag but he suspected that it was money.He told investigators that after leaving the residence his suspicions were confirmed, as the young man who had no money earlier in the day, was subsequently able to pay off a debt he owed to a shop.According to the statement,Morgan Rielly Team North America Jersey, Mohamed also detailed that after leaving the residence Singh tossed the murder weapon (the hammer wrapped in black bag) into a gutter at the corner of Stone Avenue and Fourth Street,Mike Gartner Jersey, Campbellville.The policeman said that the accused recounted that   Singh promised to deal with him later. He said that he did not know whether he would kill him or pay him but he never received any money.

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