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發表於 2018-11-29 15:27:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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At least three ranks at the Beterverwagting Police Station do not have the slightest clue who removed their station diary.They were all asleep when an officer walked into the station and removed the important document from under their noses.Kaieteur News understands that they will face disciplinary action for the major transgression.According to reports,Manchester United Jersey Online, the three ranks were supposed to be on duty but took it upon themselves to take a nap, effectively leaving the station unattended.A source at the station told this newspaper that early yesterday morning, the officer,Equipacion Real Madrid 2018, an Assistant Superintendent,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, entered the compound and although he had to remove a chain from the gate,Maillot 2 Etoiles Pas Cher, so deeply asleep were the ranks that they heard nothing.The officer then proceeded to the enquiries office where to his surprise the ranks still were not aroused.To teach them a lesson he removed the station diary,Adam Shaheen Jersey, and even this did not arouse the ranks. He then left the compound.When the ranks finally awoke,Cheap Hockey Jerseys 2019, they searched frantically for their diary but had no clue that it was removed while they were asleep.It was not until a few hours later when the officer returned that they knew that they were in big trouble.“This is something we are going to take a serious approach to,” said a senior police official on the East Coast of Demerara. “The situation could have been worse.”The officer explained that the incident exposes the lack of vigilance on the part of some police ranks, since persons with criminal intent could have walked into the facility and disarmed the entire station before the sleeping ranks would have realized what was happening.Following the Bartica massacre in which three policemen were shot dead,Cheap Manchester City Soccer Jerseys, acting Police Commissioner Henry Greene had warned ranks to be more vigilant.His warning seems to have gone on deaf ears to some.Meanwhile, one of the errant ranks was immediately placed under close arrest following a physical altercation with the officer.Kaieteur News understands that as the officer was about to upbraid the rank a physical exchange broke out in the station and it took several other ranks to separate the two fighting policemen.

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