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Since his tenure as Minister of Education began,Stitched Jerseys, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine has made several proclamations about revamping of the Education system in Guyana.Minister Roopnaraine recently revealed his plans for inserting music into the school curricula across Guyana as part of the drive toward equal and rounded educational opportunities for all. He also opined that small Guyana can be “saved” through education,Chelsea Jersey Long Sleeve Nike, social cohesion and environmental awareness.With regards to music,Chelsea Authentic Jersey 18/19, the Minister made his intentions clear for its inclusion in the country’s school curriculum at the recently concluded open day fair held at the Cyril Potter College of Education. He claimed that it is a desire of his to see schools across Guyana possessing an active choir as it would build intellectual curiosity and celebrate cultures through an atmosphere of music.He also acknowledged the need for a rounded education system as he is of the belief that students should not only be exposed to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths “STEM” subjects but to the Arts as well.The need for Arts he revealed is why he is so interested in seeing music in our Nation’s schools. As such, he stated his intent to circulate the lyrics and musical notations of the popular song,Manchester United Jersey Online Sale, “Not a blade of grass” to schools across Guyana as he believed it would be an interesting yet very diplomatic way of responding to “our presumptuous Western neighbours.”Acknowledging his Ministry’s limitations with regards to quality educational opportunities for the Nation’s children regardless of their physical and mental capacity,Cheap Jerseys, he applauded the efforts of those who fill this critical gap.“We may not be able to always guarantee that all boats rise equally” Dr Roopnaraine stated at the recent extension of the Diamond Special Needs School, “but we must strive to ensure that all boats do rise.”With the continued existence of our small independent State in mind, Roopnaraine had also linked the existence of peace and the eradication of hegemony to having respect for our different cultures.He stated that only through co-operation and continued education and respect for our cultures and environment can we attempt to undermine global warming in our country and by extension,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the world.He is of the opinion that global warming is threatening to replace war as the leading source of human misery and underdevelopment in the world.“I saw a recent note which sought to contextualize the scale of the problem by pointing out the fact that if the 46 billion years of the earth’s existence were to be scaled down to 46 days,Cheap Jerseys China, all of human existence would account for only four hours and the industrial activity that is threatening to destroy the planet only one minute.The Education system has to accept as a critical mandate quality education on environmental matters and the primary responsibility is ours to create a culture of conservation,” said the Minister at the recently concluded Education Month closing ceremony.At the closing of his speech, the Minister addressed central figures in the educational attainment of children and charged them to plant the seeds of tolerance and mutual respect in their efforts to provide knowledge.

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