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發表於 2018-12-2 00:31:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Kiana WilburgIt was on Monday that the political opposition tried its best hold the Government accountable for the financing of the multi-million-dollar Durban Park Project. And after a bruising debate, Opposition member, Bishop Juan Edghill received a letter the following day from the Clerk of the House, Sherlock Isaacs ,stating that he is to appear before the Committee of Privilege on Friday.Speaking with this newspaper last night, Isaacs said that the decision to have Edghill placed before the Committee was “just” and based on a motion that was brought before the House in May, by two Government MPs, Charrandas Persaud and Jermaine Figueira.The motion which was successfully passed at that time,Maglietta Juventus Bambino, recalled that on December 17, 2015, at the 18th Sitting of the National Assembly, Edghill made statements regarding the salary increases for Ministers of Government, Members of Parliament and other Constitutional Office holders.Charrandas who read the motion said that during Edghill’s presentation, he said, “…I would, moderately, put to the people of Guyana that the salary increase does not include other benefits. It is just adding to the salary, moving it from before July 1, 2015 to what it is now. It is a minimum of an additional $18M per month which represents close to $200M per year,Manchester City Fc Store, and in the term of office, it will represent almost $1B.”Charrandas noted that at the same sitting, Minister of Finance,Bvb Trikot Ausw?rts, Winston Jordan, called on Edghill to withdraw the statement after explaining that the correct and total annualized sum of salary increases would be $67.9M.Charrandas said that on December 28, 2015, the Government’s Chief Whip and Minister of Social Protection, Amna Ally, wrote to the Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland raising a complaint about the words used by Edghill.He stated that despite repeated requests and demands, Edghill failed and/or refused to recant his statements.The Parliamentarian said that the erroneous words spoken,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, together with Edghill’s subsequent actions violate the privilege of a Member of the National Assembly and the Standing Orders of the House. He said that Edghill’s actions also brought the entire National Assembly into disrepute.On those grounds, Charrandas recommended that Edghill be referred to the Committee of Privileges for the matter to be considered and an appropriate response recommended.Asked to say why the matter only came to be dealt with now, Isaacs said, “It is not that the matter was out to rest or it was resolved. It was still ongoing but the Speaker of the House, Dr. Barton Scotland was very busy with other things. So it has now come up.”Edghill said that based on his calculations, he indicated in the House last year that it would cost almost $1B to fund the salary increase of the new expanded Cabinet.The Opposition member said, “It would appear that that has annoyed and caused some embarrassment to Government. So a motion was moved in May last to send me to the Privileges Committee.”He continued, “Now when I moved a motion on Monday on the Durban Park Project, I believe it was bruising and has caused significant embarrassment to the Government. Significantly, the Opposition was also able to get Minister of Health, Dr, George Norton before the Committee of Privileges due to his misleading and dishonest statements on the drug bond scandal.“Is it not suspicious that I would receive a letter the very next day to appear before the said Committee?”In spite of the intention of the summons, Edghill said that he will attend and defend his honour and his position on the matter.The Opposition Member said, “What we see here is a difference in opinion and this is just the government’s bold and brazen attempt to silence me but they will not be successful. Their best efforts to intimidate and drive fear will have no effect on me. I will continue to stand and represent the interest of the people of Guyana and perform my job as a parliamentarian without fear or favour.”The PPP Executive Member said that it is important for the public to note that he is going before a committee where the Government has a majority and is chaired by the Speaker of the House.The members of Government on the Privileges Committee include Minister of Public Security,Camiseta Fc Barcelona 2018, Khemraj Ramjattan; Attorney General Basil Williams; Minister of State Joseph Harmon; Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan; and AFC Member of Parliament, Charrandas Persaud.Representing the Opposition are Members of Parliament, Clement Rohee, Mohabir Nandlall, Priya Manickchand and Adrian Anamayah.Edghill said that he believes that there is already a predetermined outcome.The Parliamentarian said that the government is unashamed in its approach to settle scores and to practice their politics of vindictiveness and spite. In this regard, he said that wherever Government finds compliant partners, it uses them to facilitate its request.Edghill suspects that the Government is out to ensure that he does not participate in the upcoming 2017 budget debates. He maintains, nonetheless, that he will give the Committee a chance to hear his side, after which he will release his evidence.In a missive to the press last night, the Opposition said that there is ample evidence that the Coalition since it assumed office has been engaged in the practice of politics of oppression, vindictiveness, bullyism, intimidation and fear.The PPP said that while Bishop Edghill has been advised to attend the meeting, it is of the view that the Government along with a “Speaker who is yet to demonstrate impartiality” will ensure that the process is less-than fair.The Opposition said,China NFL Hoodies, “Bishop Edghill is not alone as all of his colleagues are in full support of him and join in rebuking the Government’s misuse of the parliamentary rules and procedures as well as its continued disregard for standing parliamentary norms and traditions.”The PPP also sought to put the Government on notice that its wrongs cannot be made right by the prosecution of parliamentarians or public servants who are defending the people’s interest,Camisetas Futbol Espa?a Baratas, the public purse and good governance.

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