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Equipacion Real Madrid 2018 uabsph0f









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發表於 2018-12-5 22:12:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Den Amstel woman is appealing to the authorities to tell her where she could go to get justice.Rhonda Layne, in her late 50s, explained that her troubles began about six years ago when her son got married and brought her daughter-in-law home. She said that the family enclosed the downstairs of her home and took up residence there. That was when the trouble began.According to Rhonda, her daughter-in-law would verbally abuse her on numerous occasions, with encouragement from her son. These sessions would inevitably end up with reports to the police and court appearances if both parties were charged.They have on numerous occasions been cautioned and placed on a bond to keep the peace.But Rhonda claims that her daughter-in-law would break the bond, and tell the police that she (Rhonda) had verbally abused her and that (the daughter-in-law) responded.Rhonda claims that on one occasion she overheard her son telling his wife to let the court case “make haste done, and I going save me money, and you gun lash down she mother s****, and I gun pay the money in de court.”The West Bank Magistrate has constantly advised Rhonda to get her son and his family out of the building.In July and again in November 2008,Maillot Coupe Du Monde 2018 Officiel, letters were sent to her son, giving him permission to break down the additions he had made to his mother’s house and to take it and remove himself and his family from the premises.To date he has not done so, even though a lawyer’s letter was also sent to him in March.What is making the mother frantic is that physical abuse is now being aimed at her nine-year-old daughter.Rhonda says that the most recent attack came when her daughter-in-law pelted bricks at the upper flat of the house. One brick hit the television and one hit the child on her back, leaving a bruise.Reports to the Welfare Department led to the matter being taken before the courts, but Rhonda claims that the police are insisting that if this one matter goes to court, then the more recent verbal abuse matters must also go to court.If this happens, both parties would be charged for breaking the bond set for keeping the peace for one year.“I cried; I live in torment,” says Rhonda, “I want them out of my place, I want somebody in authority to give me advice on what to do, and I can’t afford to not let the matter go to court…because she is abusing my daughter constantly.”

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