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(From the desk of the Vector Control Director, Dr Reyaud Rahman)We have always been told by our elders that “prevention is better than cure”. I must say that I do firmly believe so,Dr Reyaud Rahmanespecially when it relates to medical illness or conditions. There are some diseases which are completely out of our hands and are determined either by family history or just plain bad luck.However, when looking at some of the diseases in Guyana – from vector-borne diseases (Malaria, Dengue fever etc.) to even some Chronic diseases (Diabetes, Obesity and Overweight, Hypertension etc.) – we have quite a lot of control over these conditions in most cases and can protect ourselves from them.When we contract vector-borne diseases such as malaria, it is mainly because we are not using our Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs), insect repellents, burning coils, using aerosol sprays, wearing light coloured clothing or staying under a LLINs during peak biting hours (between dusk and dawn generally). We allow breeding sites to flourish and our vector population then multiplies (especially mosquitoes) this causes great problems as the control of diseases such as Dengue becomes even more of a problem.Breeding sites are very easy to develop. A tiny puddle with fresh rain water can potentially breed hundreds of mosquitoes which would become adult mosquitoes in a matter of weeks. Areas which are overlooked easily by individuals are the vases in our homes which we full with water to keep fresh flowers alive longer.  The kitchen sink is also a potential breeding site. When the water runs off our recently washed dishes some water remains at the bottom of this dish rack and is a potential breeding site.On another but very important note, there are many different delicious dishes on offer in Guyana. However, many times these dishes are not in our best interest. Most persons in Guyana consume flour and rice. We are plagued with a diet rich in carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol. It is advisable to monitor our diet closely by monitoring what we consume as we increase our risk of diabetes, stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and many other diseases.Our plates should be as colourful as possible with different vegetables, protein, whole grains and fruits. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that we eat the same amount of calories that our bodies are using, eat more plant foods (vegetables, nuts fruits etc),Cheap Hockey Jerseys, limit your intake of fats, limit your intake of sugar and limit your intake of salt. The WHO estimates that a diet low in fruits and vegetables is responsible for 2.7 million deaths alone.We are directly responsible for our health and wellbeing and we should not be robbed or allow ourselves to be robbed of our lives because of preventable diseases. It is necessary to take responsibility for our surroundings and our bodies in order to live better quality lives and make our families happy by having us healthy.I therefore urge you strongly to protect yourselves by not only destroying breeding places for mosquitoes around your homes and/or work places, but ensure that what you eat is healthy.

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