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發表於 2018-12-6 00:14:00 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Eleven years ago some colleagues left her for dead; now inmates of Guyana’s penal system are lending their hands to build a special home for heroic former prison officer, Roxanne Winfield.Kaieteur News spotted a crew of prisoners preparing the foundation for the special home for the incapacitated Winfield. The woman is confined to a wheelchair.Prisoners working on the foundation for the special house for Roxanne Winfield.The home is being constructed on a plot of land that belonged to Winfield’s deceased father at Middle Walk, Nabaclis, East Coast Demerara.The idea of the special home to accommodate Winfield’s present condition was cemented during a visit to her by the Rotary Club of Stabroek, in February last year.It was during the visit that members of the club decided that Roxanne needed a disability-friendly home to if nothing else, enhance her in-house mobility.They say it’s better late than never.Now, one year later and with the help of the Government of Guyana, The Guyana Prison Service, Habitat for Humanity, the Guyana Relief Council, Food for the Poor, TCL, Glass Inc and the Hand in Hand Insurance Company, the Rotary club of Stabroek is able to keep its promise to Winfield.“The home will be disability friendly and suitable for a stalwart public servant such as Roxanne who has provided exemplary service to her country.”According to the club, Miss Winfield, who 11years later has endured a slow but steady recovery, has displayed nothing but strength and courage.Members of the Rotary Stabroek Club are still amazed at her positive attitude despite all that she has endured.Construction of the house is expected to be completed this year.Winfield was shot in her head at point blank range on February 23, 2002 by bandits who staged one of Guyana’s most daring prison escapes.They went on to create one of the most violent crime sprees this country has ever seen.But while Winfield continues to live her life,NFL Jerseys Cheap, all of the persons responsible for her present condition were slain by the security forces.Server Tuesday: RoxanneCaption: Prisoners working on the foundation for the special house for Roxanne Winfield.

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