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發表於 2018-12-6 09:00:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Murder accused,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Ravindra Pareemdass, told the court on Wednesday that a fight resulted in the death of his former associate, Roopram Jadgeo.Pareemdass is on trial for the murder before Justice Navindra Singh and a mixed panel of jurors at the High Court in Georgetown. According to the charge, the incident allegedly took place at Providence, East Bank Demerara some time between December 20, and December 21, 2012.The victim was allegedly hit in the head with a piece of wood, following a row over a bicycle. The accused is represented by Attorney-at-law Sonia Parag.State Counsel Teeshana Lake is presenting the case.   Subsequent to the testimony of the witnesses, the prosecution closed its case, giving the accused the opportunity to lead his defence.After electing to give an unsworn statement to the court, the accused stood in the prisoner’s dock and related that on the day of the incident, he was at home, when Jagdeo came to borrow his bicycle. “I tell he I ain’t lending me bicycle and he straight right to me and I fall pun de ground.”The accused said that Jadgeo left the scene soon after hitting him while he, Pareemdass, went to the bathroom to wash off, since he had sustained a burst nose.  Some time, later   Pareemdass related that he met the man again. But this time, Jagdeo was armed with a piece of wood.“I ask he if he want a story with me and he say yes… He say he got to kill me then he gun be satisfied.”The accused claimed that the man threw the wood at him and they became embroiled in an altercation. During this time, Pareemdass said that he picked up the piece of wood and hit his attacker with it.”“I ain’t even know where he get lash,” he said. He said that he was later picked up by the police and charged with the murder.He returns to court today.

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