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發表於 2018-12-6 14:23:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… advised to seek private actionJanice BurganJanice Burgan, of Lot 30 Section ‘O’ Industrial Area, Linden, is peeved that six months after three policemen attached to the Mackenzie Police Station broke into her house and allegedly stole $38,000, she is now being told to take her own private action.She said that she had kept the money in her wardrobe. She added that the policemen entered her home by breaking down the door.Since the incident,Nike Air Max Baratas Online, she has been “running to Georgetown” in vain to see the Commissioner of Police in relation to the matter.Ms Burgan said that on the day of the incident she was tending her shop on Greenheart Street, not far from where she lives, when her son Keoma Matthias came running breathlessly saying, “Mommy I coulda dead. Police just rush in de house and start beating me up, saying that they looking for some man with guns and drugs.”The woman said that she immediately went to the Mackenzie Police Station and filed a report.According to Burgan, she subsequently met with the Commander of ‘E’ Division after several attempts to meet with the Commissioner of Police proved futile. The Commander told her that he had been advised by the DPP that she should take her own private action.Burgan reported that what peeves her the most is the fact that she lost “countless thousands” commuting to Georgetown to see the Commissioner, in addition to the $38,000 which she lost the day the lawmen invaded her home.“Now they are telling me I have to take private action, which would entail hiring a lawyer – which means I have to spend more money! Where is the justice? They stole my money which I had been saving to purchase my spectacles – now I have no spectacles, and the money is gone, and yet they are advising me to go spend more money,” Burgan declared.The frustrated woman said she hopes that those in authority would look into this matter urgently.

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