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Bayern M��nchen Trikot 2019 yprd2yaj









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發表於 2018-12-6 19:00:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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….outhouses in filthy conditionThe Number 63 Beach, Corentyne, is in a filthy state. During a recent visit to the so-called tourist hotspot in Region Six, it was revealed that the infrastructural facilities such as benabs, pavilions, washrooms and changing facilities are in filthy, run down and dilapidated states.It should be noted that the facilities have been in this state for a number of years, but the most recent visit shows they are now falling apart.Those facilities were built a few years ago by the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce,Camo China NFL Jerseys, to enhance the physical show of the beach, as well as to provide better facilities for visitors and tourists. Additionally, there is a build-up of garbage that includes Styrofoam, broken bottles and other rubbish strewn along the beach.The beach is equipped with at least four changing rooms and four outhouses. The road is also in a poor state. It is anticipated, however, that the Government is going to perform its annual sprucing up of the beach in preparation for the upcoming annual Easter Monday gathering.In 2011, the Upper Corentyne Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UCCCI) erected 50 ‘Clean Beach’ sign boards around the entire beach. Today, save for one billboard that stands tall at the beach entrance, none of the 50 signboards is anywhere to be seen. The clean beach signs were installed along the busier stretch of the location spaced out at approximately 150 feet. All of those signs have been vandalized.The Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce has developed several Number 63 Beach Redevelopment Visions over the years. If implemented, those plans should have enhanced the shabby appearance and surroundings of Guyana’s premier beach. Sadly, none of these initiatives ever came off.The beach stretches from Number 65 Village in the south to Number 54 Village in the north and is considered one of the longest stretches of natural beach in the Caribbean, being approximately 8.5 Km in length.It is well- known for its popular driving surface. Currently, the facility is managed by a Beach Management Committee headed by Attorney-at-Law, Adrian Anamayah.Efforts to contact him and Mr. Indranauth Haralsingh, Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), proved futile.

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