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發表於 2018-12-6 20:28:12 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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– improper washroom sanitation cited as contributing factorAs schools throughout the country reopen today,Nike Air Max Shop Australia, teachers and students of the Annandale Secondary School, East Coast Demerara (ECD), are being forced to utilise the filthy washrooms which have already affected their health on previous occasions.Reports are that the school has been without water supply for a number of years and with over 700 students presently enrolled  there,Cheap Nike Air Max Online Australia, the situation continues to escalate.Previously, the teaching and ancillary staff would have no choice but to fill tanks with rain water or utilize water from the nearby trench in order to flush the toilets in the school.On Friday, last,Camiseta Bar?a 2018-19, some concerned parents who were at an orientation ceremony for First Formers,Cheap Nike Football Jerseys, contacted Kaieteur News with this complaint.According to one parent, she has a daughter already attending the school,Chelsea Fc Jersey Cheap, and from this month, her younger daughter would be joining her sister.The woman said that for the past few years,Cheap Football Jerseys College, she was aware of the water situation at the school.But her worries started to multiply after some teachers contracted Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and had to seek medical treatment. This resulted in the teachers having to take time off from work to recover since their health was directly affected.Matters began to worsen as some students would have to use the dirty washrooms continuously and they too contracted infections.Some were not even aware that they had UTIs until months had passed and they began complaining to their parents.“It is a school, a school where children are most of the time. They are supposed to be having water here if not anything else. Their health is just as important as their education. The unclean toilets are causing them to get all types of diseases and infections. This going on a long while. Why can’t the education people do what they have to?” the parent lamented.The Annandale Secondary SchoolAnother mother expressed hope that the situation would be rectified hastily since this matter should “not be taken lightly” as it was affecting the wellbeing of everyone in the institution.“Sometimes them children does got to beg people around here to use their toilets when they break for lunch or so. All the teachers have to ask people to use their toilets. If children want to use washrooms during class time,Fc Barcelona Tienda Espa?a, they got to keep it in until they get to use another washroom but most time them can’t help it and have to use the dirty toilets in the school. Somebody needs to do something soon,” said the woman.Since this month is being celebrated as both ‘Education Month’ and ‘Caribbean Wellness Month’ it is hoped by the Annandale community that the relevant authorities intervene in this matter since it is of ‘utmost importance’ and is affecting the health and education process of students.

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